kentish wrote:are you insane kikapu,how am i agreeing with insanely suggest that the risk of theft from a house and the cost of materials is greater in northern cyprus than in other places and also that the risk of theft and cost of materials is high in northern cyprus because of being in north cyprus.
go and play in the traffic you deluded git
Tim Drayton wrote:Sener Levent wrote a very powerful peice in Afrika yesterday (10 November). I think it goes some way to answering the points raised in this thread. My translation:
You are a Turkish Cypriot. You live in the north of a divided island in which Turkish soldiers are posted along the divide. You are probably a civil servant. Or a worker. Or you are retired. You are the citizen of a make-believe state which is not recognised by the world. Wherever you travel, you have at least two passports in your pocket. You are also unsure as to how you define your identity. Turkish Cypriot? Turk of Cyprus? Or simply Turk? You are bound by the laws of a make-believe state. You pay your electricity bills, telephone dues, taxes, water money and vehicle licence fees all to this make-believe state. You call your leader – whom nobody in the world addresses as president - “Esteemed president”. You do not have your own money. You use the Turkish lira. You once grew olives. Now you eat imported olives. You had shoemakers. They have closed. You had joiners. They have closed. Your tailors have also closed. Your helva maker of a century’s standing has even locked his door. But you have an abundance of brothels, casinos and non-existent five-star hotels. You get along by selling land plundered from Greek Cypriots and from a variety of rackets conducted in the shade of the bayonet. Even though yours is a citrus land, your very lemons come from Argentina. The imported population has long since outnumbered yours. You do not even encounter one another in the streets any more. You are drowning in a criminal swamp; you sleep with a revolver or a knife under your pillow. All of you live in fear of being burgled at any time. If you should contract a mortal illness you immediately rush to the hospitals and doctors in the south. To avoid being swindled in the north, you shop in the south. You trust neither doctors, nor lawyers, judges, policemen nor politicians in this make-believe state. You may not yet have noticed but you are on the verge of extinction. Those at the top pass on the good news that, “If there is no solution, there will be partition.” They say, “Since the Greek Cypriots greatly fear partition they will have to accept our conditions.” In fact, it is you who really needs to fear partition. If there is partition, the Greek Cypriots will at least own half of Cyprus and will govern themselves as an independent nation. And you? You will continue to eke out an existence here under Turkey’s rule with a so-called parliament and government. You will at no time be the master under your own roof. Here-today-gone-tomorrow officers and ambassadors will rule you. More of you will disappear. Those of you that remain will get up and depart. The population that has taken over the area within the walls will also conquer the area outside the walls. Flags will be planted where the hills have been hollowed out and mosques built where citrus orchards have dried out. Those of you who are too long in the tooth to leave will meet in a few coffee shops frequented only by Cypriots and recall the days of old. Their grandchildren who come from abroad to visit them, unless a customs officer from Hatay creates problems, will negotiate their way through immigration before embracing them and kissing their hands. Those who do not carry a Republic of Turkey passport in their pockets will be denied entry here.
If I told you, “There is still time; come and let us rid ourselves of all of these curses” you would not join me. What else can I say?
Kikapu wrote:Thanks for the above, Tim.
My brother-in-law and sister who have been building a home in the north (slowly) for their eventual retirement were also complaining for the first time about the settlers. They have finally woken up to the reality, that the north is no longer the TC "country" that they were made to believe who would become the masters of their own destiny. NO, no, no, they are not happy at all, specially with the high cost of everything, specially for the material to finish off the house, but waiting until the last minute to put in the doors and windows so that they will not be stolen when no one is living in it. I'm not even so sure they would even want to retire in Cyprus when the time comes as their attitude keeps changing from only a year ago. They too want a settlement, but are brainwashed to accept only what the Annan plan offered or a BBF version which is very close to a partition for all intensive purposes, which is what they have today, but only legalised, therefore nothing much will change for the future for the TC's unless a True Democracy and a True Federation is agreed on, but they have yet to realise this aspect at all. Their love for the settlers is gone, and the fact that they rejected a request from a settler to marry their daughter (my niece) this summer, speaks volumes.
You seem to be suffering from the same problem as what VP suffers from, and that is to understand the English written language sufficiently.
Now Kentish, lets just go through this one more time. First of all, what I wrote about my brother-in-laws concerns about doors and windows being stolen in an unoccupied house reflects on what Sener Levent wrote which Tim was kind enough to translate into English, which he talked about crime, and he said this;
"You are drowning in a criminal swamp; you sleep with a revolver or a knife under your pillow. All of you live in fear of being burgled at any time."
Which part of this story do you not agree with Kentish, because your statement seemed to suggest that this does go on in the north, even though it happens other parts of the world. Did I say anything about this being a problem only in the north? No, but Sener was only talking about the north and not the rest of the world, and neither was I.
As far as the materials being expensive for the house also seem to go along with what Sener wrote, which for starters, using the sinking Turkish currency makes buying anything abroad more expensive, plus around 10% inflation in the north does not help one little bit, as well as everyone reaching deep into your pocket to get as much as possible or being swindled in broad day light in which Sener said;
"To avoid being swindled in the north, you shop in the south. You trust neither doctors, nor lawyers, judges, policemen nor politicians in this make-believe state"
So the question for you Kentish is, is Sener Levent making all this story up, and if so, why is it that Iceman, one of the most decent TC's on this forum agrees with Sener, as well as my brother-in-law, who does not like Sener Levent, and yet, his experiences in the north, very much goes in line with what Sener is talking about.
I did make one wrong statement from my last post however, and that was, that my post on this subject was in this thread and not on another. You have to forgive me, because I'm still getting over the jet-lag and Obama's victory celebrations.