People all around the world become more mobile every day. The mobile phone was the invention that started this massive change in behavior. Today we don’t only bring our telephones, but also game consoles, music and video players and computers have become mobile. We work, communicate and enjoy ourselves everywhere. Modern wireless technologies and devices have enabled professionals to bring their offices with them at home, in vehicles, in airports, restaurants and hotels. GRETA turns these offices real since she is a mobile printer, copier, scanner, fax and phone

Modern wireless technologies and devices have enabled professionals to bring their offices with them at home, in vehicles, in airports, restaurants and hotels. GRETA turns these offices real since she is a mobile printer, copier, scanner, fax and phone.
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- Built in Siemens GSM module
- Print and Scan to and from PC
- Attractive design
- Easy to use with functional display
- EU and US version
- USB connection [/img]
COMES with Carrying case, CAR Adaptor, Mouting kit (CAR), External antena adaptor & FAX papers