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2006 Parliamentary Elections in RoC - some questions...

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Who will be the majority party after the 2006 Parliamentary Elections?

Poll ended at Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:56 pm

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Postby sk » Mon Jun 20, 2005 11:53 am

prosolutionist or not they will not sign a deal which will give any right to turkey on the island.
i dont think anyone is against solution but noone is that much in favour with the current circumstances either. things have to change before a final solution (like the british military presence on the island).
with uk continuously supporting turkey more and more and RoC depends more on russia huge problems are ahead for the british bases on the island.
honestly i wouldnt be surprised if RoC realized that there will not be a solution which will inhibit the british and turkey from getting involved in the island, to have promised to the russian some sort of military presence or base in the future after they throw the brtish military bases out and the island is divided.
i cant explain otherwise the close realations between the 2 countries and that russia used its veto for the first time after the cold war to defend cyprus last year. the financial reason that many say are behind this "friendship"doesnt stand bc cyprus has more financial "ties" with uk . what i mean is that russia could refuse to use its veto for cyprus and still financially the two countries would have excellent financial relations.
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Postby snchduer » Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:02 pm

sk wrote:prosolutionist or not they will not sign a deal which will give any right to turkey on the island.
i dont think anyone is against solution but noone is that much in favour with the current circumstances either. things have to change before a final solution (like the british military presence on the island).

Actually I was a bit aiming at pro-solutionist="willing to negotiate/compromise", which afaik not every GC politician is. I have read about quite some politicians saying "yes, we are in favour of a solution" - but in reality not willing to compromise (latest example being Papadopoulos). And let us be honest (don't flame me for that, it is my honest opinion): the TCs also have some demands intended to safeguard their interests (e.g., security guarantees) - and as long as the Turkish army is on the island, there will be no solution without accepting (evtl part of) these demands as well. And the TR army will be probably there until a solution is found, until ALL Cypriots want them to go away.

Well, for the British (since you opened this keg): call it pessimistic, but I dont see them withdraw from the island in the near future. It is too important strategically (also in the "war against terror"), plus I have not heard of any movement from the side of either government/administration on the island to push forward a demand on British (and US) withdrawal.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 1:16 pm

Anti-Grk wrote:E.O.K.A...E.O.K.A..... :evil: :evil: :evil:

F.U.C.K O.F.F how you like them??
whoever said get off the thread, i am sure they meant to say get off the forum
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Postby turkcyp » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:18 pm

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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:32 pm

turkcyp wrote:
Secondly if ever, with stupidity, RoC even dares to speak of removing British basis, for god from the island. Then the next day you see TRNC becoming Taiwan of the Mediterranean. And if they do succeed in removing them the next day you see a deal with TRNC and USA and/or UK agreeing to set a base in the north and recognizing TRNC.

I refuse to believe that RoC can be that stupid and naïve.

a stroke of genius. turkcyp you have got it spot on
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:38 pm

I wanted to ask - not being a Cypriot myself - which of the parties you would tag as pro-solutionist, and whether or not there is a chance that there is a pro-solutionist majority after the next elections...

All parties are pro-solution. I hope however you do not confuse solution with things like the American made Annan plan that had as an aim the legalization of the partition created by the Turkish invasion.

Actually I was a bit aiming at pro-solutionist="willing to negotiate/compromise"

If by compromise you mean that Greek Cypriots should give up their legal rights, their land and even many of their human rights and the Turks in return to give up part of their illegal demands, then no, such pro-bending-over-to-be-screwed party has no chance to get the power.

I really like the way you use language. I am sure you are one of those who would say the G.W.Bush is pro-peace :lol:
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Postby demetriou_74 » Mon Jun 20, 2005 2:57 pm

Piratis wrote:If by compromise you mean that Greek Cypriots should give up their legal rights, their land and even many of their human rights and the Turks in return to give up part of their illegal demands, then no, such pro-bending-over-to-be-screwed party has no chance to get the power.

I really like the way you use language. I am sure you are one of those who would say the G.W.Bush is pro-peace :lol:

Piratis you should become a politician. you have got it spot-on
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Postby snchduer » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:00 pm

Piratis wrote:All parties are pro-solution. I hope however you do not confuse solution with things like the American made Annan plan that had as an aim the legalization of the partition created by the Turkish invasion.

Nah, not really... But I do see term "solution" as being sth that can be accepted by both communities. And - as long as the TCs do not decide to kick the Turkish army out - a solution where Turkey will not "lose its face" (whatever you interpret this to be). The latter I say not out of personal preference, but rather out of realism.

Piratis wrote:If by compromise you mean that Greek Cypriots should give up their legal rights, their land and even many of their human rights and the Turks in return to give up part of their illegal demands, then no, such pro-bending-over-to-be-screwed party has no chance to get the power.

I really like the way you use language. I am sure you are one of those who would say the G.W.Bush is pro-peace :lol:

Far off the mark, Piratis 8)
As you can read in another thread where I wrote today - I personally think that the Iraq war was a big stupidity, and that the USA seriously need to re-think their international policy. They are about as far from bringing peace as Van Damme from good acting :)
However, tagging the other side's demands as illegal from the very beginning is not quite helpful either. To avoid this word, I would rather talk about legitimate than legal demands - as, for instance, guarantees for security and possibilities of political participation (legitimate claims of GCs include for instance solving the TR settlers issue, or solving the properties issue).

Btw, I would really love to see how many GCs do actually want to reclaim their property in the north - are there any surveys on this?
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 20, 2005 3:39 pm

But I do see term "solution" as being sth that can be accepted by both communities.

If this is the case why you labeled Papadopoulos as not pro-solutionist? We elected him, and all polls show that the great majority of GCs support him, especially in regards to the Cyprus problem policies.

Very few Cypriots (both TCs and GCs) want no solution. The great majorities want solution and you can therefore call them "pro-solutionists" if you want. The difference is that most GCs want solution A and most TCs want solution B.

So it is not a matter of "pro-solution", it is a matter of "pro-which-solution".

However, tagging the other side's demands as illegal from the very beginning is not quite helpful either. To avoid this word, I would rather talk about legitimate than legal demands - as, for instance, guarantees for security and possibilities of political participation (legitimate claims of GCs include for instance solving the TR settlers issue, or solving the properties issue).

The difference between legal and legitimate is that the first is mostly objective and the second quite subjective. This is why I use the word legal.

By the way, have you read the Annan plan? You talk about "guarantees for security and possibilities of political participation" for the TCs. Do you think we denied to the TCs such things? The demands of TCs are not just these obviously legitimate things but a ton of other outrageous things that no objective person can describe as legitimate.

e.g, are the bellow legitimate:

Demand that the 18% will control the 29% of the ground.
Demand that a foreign country should have the right to intervene in the independent and sovereign Cyprus.
Demand that the 18% should have 50% power and a blocking power on everything (1 TC vote to equal 4 GC votes)

Btw, I would really love to see how many GCs do actually want to reclaim their property in the north - are there any surveys on this?

Everybody. Not all of them will actually go to live there again, but non wants to just give up its own property or to be given a compensation by some authority that will most probably not reflect the real value of the property (and actually, as per Annan plan, in the end we would compensate ourselves!!!, or you though Turkey or the TCs would give the billions needed for a true compensation?)
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Postby sk » Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:25 pm

they can ask the british bases to leave at any moment bc the british didnt respect the treaties etc.......i think they will ask them to leave when they will realize that no proper solution will be found on the cyprus problem and that sooner or later the division will happen,which i am afraid will happen soon.
not to mention the billions that uk owes cyprus for the bases and never paid since 1963.
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