Erasing The Past
areserch has been conducted by the TRNC president!s office ion Turkish Cypriot cultural heritage on the territory under the control of greek Cypriot Adminstration.139 settlements had been visited under the adminstrative discricts of Southern Nicosia , Paphos ,Limassol and Larnaka during august 2005-march 2008.The total number of region visited in 4 adminsrative districts is 171.
A book has been prepared ,which consist of TC cultural heritage only in 69 settlements of 4 administrative discricts listed .Accordingly 11 settlement in S.Nicosia ,26 in Paphos ,18 in Limassol,14 in Larnaka have been covered.the information and statics given in the book reflect the current condition of many cultural heritage sites in 171 regions classified as mosques, cemeteries ,houses , school buildings ,Turkish baths , hospitals ,castles , tekkes and ancient mausoleums ,small mosques, fountains ,bazaars and cinemas .
Prepared book and CD's are given to all the Diplomats and countries representatives , UN and EU and other foreign countries .
After the book published resteration of Arnavut Mosque in Limassol is started.
here is the some pictures of ..... places
Aretyu (Arechio) the school and Mosque area.
have been totally demolished and have been razed.
more pictures and information will come .................