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Jewish billionaire invests in northern Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Thank you

Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:07 pm

Well said, CopperLine.
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Postby Floda » Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:23 pm

Pipedown Copperline, we all know the roost you flew off. :roll:

Linichka, how can you have the audacity to protest the manner in which your offer of lands to 'your Arab brethren' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (excuse me, I just had to laugh) was rejected by them ?, it was already their own property !.

Let us NOT descend into a situation where we begin to disrespect the leaders of nations (I refer to your snipe at Yassar Arafat, a man loved by his supporters) lest we become obliged to consider the recent scandalous conduct of Olmert and those that preceded him............ Agreed ?.

I am NOT a Nazi, so I think we should also dispense with the arguments which such an admission might give rise to.

I have visited (and resided) in Israel many times, how else would I be able to make such in depth observations were that not so ?.

Now, the ONLY nation that has been created in the past 60 years is Israel, the actions of that nation is well documented and needs no further comment from me since the evidence is there for all to see.

How do you justify the creation of such a nation, it's expansion, it's subjugation of the indigenous population, it's rule of terror and the list goes on ?.

These are the questions that need to be answered and may I say that I admire your tenacious defence of your 'Terror Based' country, excuse me if I utter concerns relative to the survival of my own. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:04 pm

What nonsense! "Already their property"? Ask the Turks. They were happy to sell to the Jews at inflated prices. Arabs worked the land originally. And poorly.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:16 pm

CopperLine wrote:Oracle, Floda, Medman and the other scummy racists here show their true colours when they put the blame for their problems on somebody else. It's called scapegoating and it has a long and miserable history.

The scapegoat may differ but the stinking trope remains the same. If its not Turks its Jews, if its not Jews its TCs, if its not TCs its Brits, if its not Brits its treacherous GCs, if its not treacherous GCs its Phoenicians, if its not .... every other group that you can think of except yourselves.

And what are you? ... Some observer from Mars? :roll:

How does my exclamation of Turks as wannabe Jews, equate with Racism?

In your teensy tiny twisted mind, do you somehow perceive either of these aspirant Nations/ethnicities as inferior, perchance?
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Postby Floda » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:33 pm

Linichka wrote:What nonsense! "Already their property"? Ask the Turks. They were happy to sell to the Jews at inflated prices. Arabs worked the land originally. And poorly.

Linichka, I must register dismay at the feebleness of your response to the point I made regarding 'Land Ownership', I consider your comments to be grossly disappointing and an insult to your own intelligence.

Are we (I refer to any that may read this thread) to understand that THIS is the justification you produce for the foundation of 'The Terror State of Israel' ?, that the Turks SOLD the land to the Jews at inflated prices ?.

You have now sent a message to ALL those who are concerned about the interests shown by the Jews in the lands of the North of Cyprus, I understand that they ARE purchasing there (at inflated prices) right NOW.

Are we to assume that such actions (purchasing stolen property) will give the Jew the right to expand the reign of terror (which exists in the other region under discussion) to our own shores, is that truly your opinion ?, God, I wish ALL Jews were as lost for excuses as you appear to be, they would present NO problems.

There may even be peace on earth !. :lol: :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:26 am

"Reign of terror"? The only reign of terror has been that of the Pals the last 60 years. Were you there from late 2000, when we were experiencing suicide bombings on a weekly basis?

Israel wound up with Gaza, the West Bank and Golan Heights after wars which she didn't want. However, Israel won. Arabs can't get over it and keep attempting to seize by terror what they lost by terror.

Granted, Olmert is a corrupt old fart whom I, along with most, will be pleased to see leave office. However, he in no way rates comparison with the father of modern terrorism, Yasser Arafat. Why his people loved him, Lord alone knows - whatever did he do for them? Pocketed the millions of bucks in aid earmarked for their development and stowed it in his Swiss bank accounts, while the little progress they had made dissolved due to renewed terror. Only his fat widow has access.

Israel is a modern success story, while her neighbors stagnate in medieval tribalism.
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Postby Floda » Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:48 am

Linichka, when faced with oppression by a superior military force, the oppressed are likely to resort to ANY means at their disposal in order to gain freedom from such oppression (as they perceive it to be) and to rid themselves of the oppressor.

The horrific actions of the suicide bombers is an illustration of the helpless desperation felt by those in opposition to the subjugation forced upon them by the Jew (actions which nobody can deny ARE horrific).

Those that take part in such missions MUST be certain that there is justice in their cause, since they are prepared to sacrifice their lives in so doing and at the same time MUST intend to draw attention to their perceived plight.

Unfortunately, those nations that COULD assist in relieving the oppression of the rightful inhabitants of the region which is now Israel, are the very nations that have been successfully infiltrated by the Jew and are therefore allied to the oppression.

Furthermore, such is the influence the Jew has gained over such allies, (US and UK) that they actually support the Jew by (a) US supplying the aggressors with unlimited supplies of armaments, and (b) UK allowing the former to use the facilities of airports for the trans-shipment of such armaments, not much hope for a little consideration for the oppressed under such circumstances as far as I can see.

As to the actual contentious issues in the region, they are ALL the result of the establishment of a new nation upon lands which belong to others, YOU (as do many) glorify the 'Modern State of Israel' others condemn it as the 'Terror State of Israel' and it is easy to determine who is right when one considers the manner in which the state was founded, the reasons for it's founding and the influences which ensured it's founding, regardless of the indigenous population of the region.

As to your remarks regarding Arafat and his financial position, I daresay President Bush and his counterparts Blair and Olmert may well have enriched themselves quite considerably over the last few years, I do believe that they actually sanctioned the act of stealing almost $1,000,000,000 from the regions coffers, merely because the people chose to elect a government which the evil trio did not approve of. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:30 am

"Linichka, when faced with oppression by a superior military force, the oppressed are likely to resort to ANY means at their disposal in order to gain freedom from such oppression (as they perceive it to be) and to rid themselves of the oppressor. "

The so-called Palestinians were terrorizing the Jewish minority decades before the State of Israel was declared. They were given the option for statehood at the same time as Israel, but flatly turned it down and opted for war, time and time again.

"The horrific actions of the suicide bombers is an illustration of the helpless desperation felt by those in opposition to the subjugation forced upon them by the Jew (actions which nobody can deny ARE horrific). " There is NO excuse for suicide bombers. Please spare me the whining about the "oppressed". More people worldwide are oppressed than not, and manage not to join terror groups, blowing themselves up with innocent civilians.

"Those that take part in such missions MUST be certain that there is justice in their cause, since they are prepared to sacrifice their lives in so doing and at the same time MUST intend to draw attention to their perceived plight. " Then we don't they create justice for themselves, instead of following terrorists like Arafat and electing terrorists like Hamas?

"Unfortunately, those nations that COULD assist in relieving the oppression of the rightful inhabitants of the region which is now Israel, are the very nations that have been successfully infiltrated by the Jew and are therefore allied to the oppression. " Oh, you mean like stinking rich Saudi Arabia? Hee hee, their Hebophobia is such that during Gulf War I, when America saved their asses from Saddam, they demanded that none of the American soldiers on their soil be Jewish.

"As to the actual contentious issues in the region, they are ALL the result of the establishment of a new nation upon lands which belong to others, YOU (as do many) glorify the 'Modern State of Israel' others condemn it as the 'Terror State of Israel' and it is easy to determine who is right when one considers the manner in which the state was founded, the reasons for it's founding and the influences which ensured it's founding, regardless of the indigenous population of the region. "

So according to you, all was peace and bliss in the Muddled East until the State of Israel was born. Yeah, right. It was backward, tribal, violent - a shithole of desert and swamps until the Jews resettled.

"As to your remarks regarding Arafat and his financial position, I daresay President Bush and his counterparts Blair and Olmert may well have enriched themselves quite considerably over the last few years, I do believe that they actually sanctioned the act of stealing almost $1,000,000,000 from the regions coffers, merely because the people chose to elect a government which the evil trio did not approve of. "

The region's coffers have more likely been pilfered by the likes of Abu Mazen et al.
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Postby Floda » Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:46 pm

Floda wrote:
Furthermore, such is the influence the Jew has gained over such allies, (US and UK) that they actually support the Jew by (a) US supplying the aggressors with unlimited supplies of armaments, and (b) UK allowing the former to use the facilities of airports for the trans-shipment of such armaments, not much hope for a little consideration for the oppressed under such circumstances as far as I can see.

Linichka, how very lacking in substance your dissection of the above post is, you managed to omit the part which I have placed as a header, I must assume that you were unable to conjure up a suitably inane response to THAT particular section since the contents are undeniably correct.

As to the rest, you have resorted to sniping rather than challenging and I find that rather sad since such tactics reveal that you are not quite the competent spokesperson for the Jews you may consider yourself to be.

Interestingly, having in your previous responses justified the founding of the 'Terror State of Israel' (as it is known by those who are under the oppression of it) by stating that the Turks SOLD the land to the Jews at inflated prices and that therefore they were entitled to it, you now add to such folly by insisting that the lands were unkempt (or such) and THAT gives you the further right.

The Turks are NOW selling off stolen Cypriot lands to the Jews (which is what this particular thread is about) and the lands ARE (in some areas) unkempt, are you suggesting that the Jews are entitled to establish that which may become ANOTHER 'Terror State' in Cyprus ?.

The remainder of your comments are quite meaningless (in my opinion) but I do urge you to consider the points made a little more inquisitively, if you first question WHY there is so much controversy, you may even be able to SEE the reason for it.

Meanwhile, Cyprus BEWARE, the Jews are on the rampage once again. IMHO. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:22 pm

And Floda the Nazi shivers in terror.
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