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Jewish billionaire invests in northern Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:22 am

"The stranglehold of the Jew is evident enough already, sadly there are so many who are oblivious to the encroachment that is taking place under their very noses."

One thing is certain: no one can accuse you of being mincingly politically correct, Floda. It's been quite some time since I've seen such blatant anti-Semitism. Did some clever handsome Jew do you in personally or professionally - or have you never even met one? All that's missing from your outrageous post is a Heil Hitler.
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Postby Floda » Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:17 pm

Linichka, either you are a Jew, or another recruit to the wailing masses who rely on what took place over 60 years ago to promote their standing in today's society.

I am more concerned with the influences AND actions of them SINCE those events which incidentally serve as a pointer to the reasons for them.

If one substitutes the word 'Clever' with either 'Cunning', 'Crafty' or 'Devious', I think one will have more or less fingered the mind-set of the Jew. (my opinion).

Personally, I have known many and observed the actions of many more, it is upon such a basis that I have formed my OWN assessments of the ability to infiltrate and corrupt society displayed by the Jew.

Professionally, look no further than the legal and political arenas to confirm the above, justice and fairness have become a thing of the past, indeed, one could describe the manner in which the law and political manoeuvres are applied in many instances, as oppression.

Look no further than the situation in the stolen territories upon which Israel now stands to confirm these points.

Your reference to 'Hitler' is quite juvenile, one could just as easily salute 'Pharoe' if you rely on such to press a point.

Forget about the atrocities of the past Linichka, those that are taking place NOW are more worthy of closer scrutiny, the cavalier manner in which you brand me as 'anti-semitic', is a clear indication that you have not really considered the reasons for the unrest that now exists in so many areas of the world today, look for the signs of the Jew, they are all there to be seen, I think the infiltration of Cyprus is already well under way, we will have to wait and see. :wink:
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Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:58 pm

I stand by what I say: you're a bloody anti-Semite. I'm sure I've known more Jews than you have (I am an Israeli Christian), and by and large they are fine people.

If the past intrudes and makes supremacists like yourself boil, it is only because that past has been ugly, bloody and unforgettable.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:02 pm

Further, I'd say the infiltration of Islamic fanatics should be of greater concern to you and the rest of the world. If you can't bring yourself to say anything else positive about Jews, you should - however begrudgingly - admit that they are generally excellent for economy!
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Postby Floda » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:07 pm

Linichka wrote:I stand by what I say: you're a bloody anti-Semite. I'm sure I've known more Jews than you have (I am an Israeli Christian), and by and large they are fine people.

If the past intrudes and makes supremacists like yourself boil, it is only because that past has been ugly, bloody and unforgettable.

Linichka, if you are indeed an Israeli Christian (as you state) you have much in common with an Israeli Jew in that you occupy the lands of others which were obtained by stealth and are now held by force.

You may well be able to counter my point by stating that you no longer reside there which would only serve to reinforce the fact that you should not be there in any case.

If you were born in Israel (and the fact that you identify yourself as an Israeli would suggest that) then you have the distinction of being child of an 'Invented Nation' and God knows the world has become well aware of your presence in the lands stolen from it's rightful owners.

The problem lies in the areas where the influence and presence of the Jew are NOT so easy to identify, the problem is likely to become a danger to any country or nation which allows itself to be suckered in by the wily Jew.

It is out of concern for the well being of Cyprus (which I interpret this thread to be about) that I make these (and other) comments, I do not regard myself as anti-semitic nor racist by making them and I dispute your claims that I may do.

What interests me most is the fact that the subject of the Jews seems to be 'Taboo' (unless it is in praise of them) and I think that is wrong since there is so much evidence worthy of condemnation.

I do not 'Boil' (as you put it) due to events of the past, I do get rather anxious about the future though, particularly when I become aware of the fact that the Jews (having stolen the lands of others) now seem to be ready to invest in another tract of stolen land which happens to be MY country.

I have seen the outcome of the occupation of Palestine, observed the manner in which the population of that area (their own country) have been forced to exist, regardless of their political preferences (vetoed by those allies infiltrated by the Jews) and I express my concerns as a result of such observations and information.

No offence to you personally Linichka, that is how I see it. :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:20 pm

And the Turks are wannabe Jews! :wink:
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Postby Floda » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:56 pm

Oracle wrote:And the Turks are wannabe Jews! :wink:

Maybe so Oracle, unfortunately they fall far short when it comes to the art of infiltration, duplicity and commerce, which would be entirely necessary in the event of them wishing to emulate the Jew.

As to the invasion, occupation and subjugation of lands that do not belong to them, they DO have something in common, although in fairness to the Turks (grudgingly) at least they were a little more open about such action which by no means justifies it.

It would not come as a surprise to learn that the influence of the Jew was firmly behind the invasion of Cyprus, having infiltrated the political structures of both the US and UK (confirmed allies to Israel) it even becomes very likely when considered in such light, rarely can one put the finger on the pulse of any conflict UNLESS (as in the case of those actions in Palestine) there is no way to conceal the source.

I do have the gravest concerns for the future of Cyprus, ANY solution to the situation will surely be subject to the acceptance of the Jew. IMHO. :wink:
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Postby Medman » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:24 pm

Careful Floda. Mossad may be close by!
Jews will always be Jews. They control the planet that is no secret. However they don't give a damn about world opinion anyway. As you rightly said that have influence in both the UK and US political establishments. Its the way of the world.
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Postby Linichka » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:50 pm

Shame on both of you!

First of all, where do you get off moaning about so-called 'Palestine'? Have you not followed all the stories about how our Arab brethren have reacted when granted land? They trashed all the greenhouses in Gaza, for example. They spat at all the offers for peace. See, for example, how Pond Scum Arafat reacted to the over-generous offers by our then-PM, Ehud Barak, in 2004.

Yes, Mr. Nazi, I am indeed an Israeli Christian. An Orthodox Christian.

Have you ever been to Israel? I doubt it.
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Postby CopperLine » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:51 pm

Oracle, Floda, Medman and the other scummy racists here show their true colours when they put the blame for their problems on somebody else. It's called scapegoating and it has a long and miserable history.

The scapegoat may differ but the stinking trope remains the same. If its not Turks its Jews, if its not Jews its TCs, if its not TCs its Brits, if its not Brits its treacherous GCs, if its not treacherous GCs its Phoenicians, if its not .... every other group that you can think of except yourselves.
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