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AliTalat: I am the vice president of the Republic of Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MicAtCyp » Fri May 20, 2005 8:39 am

Metecyp wrote: Ok, here's my honest opinion about settlers....

Metecyp you told Rafaella to shut up, you called her a 2 year old, and yet you still fail to answer her point. Thanks for proving me who is the 2 year old anyway. Just for your information here’s Rafaellas original point:

Rafaella wrote: I didn't know that the imported gypsies from
Anatolia vote for ...the vice president of the
Cyprus Republic, Mr Talat!
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Postby RAFAELLA » Fri May 20, 2005 9:54 am

metecyp wrote:
Why did you avoid to answer my other question, are you imported too?

No, I'm not "imported". I was born and raised in Nicosia. I've been away from Cyprus in the last 5 years though due to studies in the US. Happy? What about you?

...but as I always believe and say, unjustice was never blessed, we will return.

Why should I be happy if you were born in Nicosia? Fine, you were born there but there's a difference if your parents are Tcs or settlers. Are you a real Tc?

Anyhow, I'll be happy when I see all those gypsies from Anatolia shiped back to their land....I'll even buy them Happy Meals from Mcdonalds to make their trip enjoyable :D
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Postby garbitsch » Fri May 20, 2005 12:43 pm

Raf, my father is from Limassol. They were FORCED by the Greek CYpriots to live in enclaves and in 1974 my uncles and my grandparents were taken to concentration camps and later they were released so that they could go to North. Their two storey house was DEMOLISHED by the Greek Cypriots ((it wasn't muddy fyi). In their other house, lives a Greek Cypriot with his Philippino wife and four kids, who are not reluctant to abondon the house for us!

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Anyhow, I'll be happy when I see all those gypsies from Anatolia shiped back to their land....I'll even buy them Happy Meals from Mcdonalds to make their trip enjoyable

I'll also be happy to see all of those gypsies from Attica (sorry Magik) and Russia shiped back to their land... I'll even buy them Doner Kebap and Baklava to make their trip enjoyable.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Fri May 20, 2005 1:17 pm

Any chance they were TMT fighters????
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Postby Main_Source » Fri May 20, 2005 1:34 pm

by choosing to use Turkish swear words you are directing your foul language at individuals that can read Turkish (this is discrimination in my book), this does not all members of the forum the opportunity to absorb your wit and intelligence and directs this swearing at certain members namely being TCs and Turks, so if you feel this appropriate then theres nothing more left to say on the subject.

hahaha...once again VP trying to show he has been racially disrciminated against.

Viewpoint, like the great Richard Pryor said....YOU NEED A COKE AND A SMILE AND................I leave the rest to your imagination.
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Postby garbitsch » Fri May 20, 2005 1:35 pm

Again the same assumption: they must be TMT fighters in order to be treated badly by the Greek Cypriots.

Yes my 65 year old Grand ma and 75 year old Grand pa were TMT fighters. Come on Mic!!

p.s: I have doubts even my uncles had hold a gun in their life before. To satisfy you, there were no TMT fighters in my family.
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Postby Main_Source » Fri May 20, 2005 4:16 pm


but the TMT actively pushed many TC, who were not being attacked, to move to the north as to enfore their ideology of partition.
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Postby erolz » Fri May 20, 2005 4:52 pm

Main_Source wrote:GarbitSch...

but the TMT actively pushed many TC, who were not being attacked, to move to the north as to enfore their ideology of partition.

The evidence does not support this claim. There is evidence that TMT took steps to block the return of TC refugees in some cases but not that they drove TC from their homes in the first place. That 'honour' belongs to GC and the fear and terror they created in the TC community wioth their acts.

My aunt (to give just on example) did not need any encouragement from TMT to feel unsafe and retreat to a TC enclave. All she needed was her personal experience of GC brutailty to TC to convice her of the need to flee her home to find saftey and security for her family.

The fact is that the vast majority of TC fled their homes after 63 because of GC violence and brutality shown towards TC communites. Violence and intimidation by bands of irregular and regular armed forces set up by anbd supported by leading members of the GC administarions upto and including Makarios himself. Go ahead and deny this was the case if you chose. We are used to such denials. We know what happened and so does the world if they only cared to study the international contemporary reporting of the times. If as so many GC seem to insist that justice will ultimately catch up with the wrong doers, then there are many GC alive today, some still in considerable positions of power in the RoC with much to fear and still to pay for these acts.
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Postby Main_Source » Fri May 20, 2005 5:38 pm

So the incentive of a separate TC state did not play any part of ANY TC leaving there homes to migrate north whatsoever? Even though that this plan was implemented by Dr Kucuk and Turkey, back in the mid 50's. Every single TC who moved north was forced to do so by GC yeah?
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Postby brother » Fri May 20, 2005 5:41 pm

Dude we had been pushed into enclaves which composed only 3% of the island, yes tc did leave out of fear, remember we were outnumbered 4-1 and had seen major violence towards us, we did not need ANY convincing to leave.
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