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Becoming a Cypriot Citizen

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Becoming a Cypriot Citizen

Postby Leon » Wed May 18, 2005 10:35 pm

Hello everyone! I am new to this site but remember seeing it on numerous occasions in the past and spent about forty five minutes earlier reading some of the posts.

My name is Leon, I am 14 years old, I am half Cypriot (on my father's part) and half English (on my mother's part) and I live in Coalville in Leicestershire. I have been visiting Cyprus every year sice I was 8, in 1999.

I am currently a British citizen, but am interesting in becoming a Cypriot citizen or having dual nationality, simply because I feel that's my heritage and I owe my passport, at least, to this, since I have absolutely NOTHING to actually suggest I'm Cypriot.

I read something a few weeks ago on the official Cyprus government site about overseas Cypriots, which I would be classed as in accordance with the description given on there.

My parents have never been married to each other, I was born in England and my father's name isn't on my birth certificate: will this affect my chance of becoming a citizen? Is it possible to have a dual-citizenship passport? If I become a Cypriot citizen must I do army service?

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Postby magikthrill » Wed May 18, 2005 10:40 pm

Welcome Leon,

I must say your situation seems quite unique from the usual cypriot citizenship questions.

If you cannot show proof of Cypriot heritage (through your father) then I believe the only way you would be able to become citizen is through residency in the island after years.

You would probably have to wait for the other experts on this forum to let you know on more details.

I believe though that if you will be aqcuiring citizenship through your dads side you might have to do the military service but then again if your last name isnt Greek you might be able to get away with it.

Interesting situation though I must say .
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Postby Piratis » Thu May 19, 2005 12:24 am

my father's name isn't on my birth certificate

Are you in touch with your father? Would he be willing to correct this issue?

Actually today with DNA tests etc I don't think a parent can deny something like this even if he wanted to. However you might need to wait until you turn 18 to take some action (except if your mother wants to do such thing now).

If you can not prove in an official way that you are half Cypriot, then you can get the Cyprus citizenship in the same way as all other EU citizens, which will take some time.
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Postby turkcyp » Thu May 19, 2005 5:05 am

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Postby Leon » Thu May 19, 2005 9:31 am

Hello everyone and thanks.

Yes I am in contact with my father (but only since I was 8 years old, about 5 and a half years ago), and hopefully he would sign or write something to prove he is my father. The only problem is, his wife seems quite domineering and there are hints of jealousy of me on her part, because her children aren't my father's first-born, and this may have to be kept secret from her (the drama continues!).

I was born with my mother's surname but have changed it several years ago to that of my father's although at some places one is used instead of the other (I use my father's usually for formal reasons and my mother's otherwise — confused yet?)

I can't see why the military service would search all over England for me if they have their men there.

I would, ideally, like a dual-citizenship passport. Is this possible? Would I have to do military service then?

Thanks again,
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu May 19, 2005 10:34 am

Hi Leon, welcome to the forum... I think we're all v.confused by your situation as it exceeds the normal boundaries of our knowledge.

My guess is this, if your father is willing to attest to his parentage of you and this is noted officially, either on your birth certificate or on a Republic of Cyprus document:

1. Should you return to Cyprus (even for a short holiday) after the age of 18, you will be required to perform military service unless you have organised a waiver visa from the Cyprus embassy in London. Yes, this will apply even if you don't have a Republic of Cyprus passport as parentage is recognised as making you 'Cypriot' even if you have never stepped foot on the island. Don't worry about them seeking you out over here though, it's only if you're in Cyprus that they can grab hold of you.
2. You should be able to apply for dual citizenship, in which case the above advice is even more pertinent.

I admire your determination to explore your roots and take on citizenship to establish your heritage. However, if you are concerned about the military service aspects that would come from doing so, the advice given earlier about retaining UK citizenship only is a good one. As an EU citizen, you can go to Cyprus to live in the future without any barriers and without the requirement to go into the army. HOWEVER, I would imagine that if your heritage is discovered and you are found to have 'dodged' army service, there would be consequences. Personally, I think you're best off talking to your mum and dad about this and explaining how you want to assert your Cypriot heritage. See what they say re.

Good luck anyways.
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Postby Leon » Thu May 19, 2005 8:11 pm

Well I don't fancy doing military service, put it that way.

Do you think I should apply for Cypriot/dual citizenship AFTER the time in which I would be required to do a military service if I was already a Cypriot citizen.
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu May 19, 2005 8:38 pm

It makes no difference Leon, military service is a compulsory requirement for all Cypriot males. Even if you returned to Cyprus at the age of 35, you would still be required to do at least some military service - whether you'd get reduced time would be questionable. I think you'd still be eligible for service at the age of 53, I think it ends at 54 years old.
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Postby Leon » Sat May 21, 2005 2:23 am

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
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Postby Saint Jimmy » Sat May 21, 2005 2:34 am

Welcome to Cyprus. 8)
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