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Moral - a definition

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Moral - a definition

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:33 pm

Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).

\?m?r-?l, ?mär-\
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
14th century
1 a: of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ethical <moral judgments> b: expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior <a moral poem> c: conforming to a standard of right behavior d: sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment <a moral obligation> e: capable of right and wrong action <a moral agent>2: probable though not proved : virtual <a moral certainty>3: perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect <a moral victory> <moral support>
— mor·al·ly \-?-l?\ adverb
synonyms moral , ethical , virtuous , righteous , noble mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. moral implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong <the basic moral values of a community>. ethical may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity <committed to the highest ethical principles>. virtuous implies moral excellence in character <not a religious person, but virtuous nevertheless>. righteous stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious <wished to be righteous before God and the world>. noble implies moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character <had the noblest of reasons for seeking office>.

Anglo-French, from Latin legalis, from leg-, lex law
circa 1500
1: of or relating to law2 a: deriving authority from or founded on law : de jure b: having a formal status derived from law often without a basis in actual fact : titular <a corporation is a legal but not a real person> c: established by law ; especially : statutory3: conforming to or permitted by law or established rules4: recognized or made effective by a court of law as distinguished from a court of equity5: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the profession of law or of one of its members6: created by the constructions of the law <a legal fiction>
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Re: Moral - a definition

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:05 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).

\?m?r-?l, ?mär-\
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom
14th century
1 a: of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ethical <moral judgments> b: expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior <a moral poem> c: conforming to a standard of right behavior d: sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment <a moral obligation> e: capable of right and wrong action <a moral agent>2: probable though not proved : virtual <a moral certainty>3: perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect <a moral victory> <moral support>
— mor·al·ly \-?-l?\ adverb
synonyms moral , ethical , virtuous , righteous , noble mean conforming to a standard of what is right and good. moral implies conformity to established sanctioned codes or accepted notions of right and wrong <the basic moral values of a community>. ethical may suggest the involvement of more difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity <committed to the highest ethical principles>. virtuous implies moral excellence in character <not a religious person, but virtuous nevertheless>. righteous stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the sanctimonious <wished to be righteous before God and the world>. noble implies moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character <had the noblest of reasons for seeking office>.

Anglo-French, from Latin legalis, from leg-, lex law
circa 1500
1: of or relating to law2 a: deriving authority from or founded on law : de jure b: having a formal status derived from law often without a basis in actual fact : titular <a corporation is a legal but not a real person> c: established by law ; especially : statutory3: conforming to or permitted by law or established rules4: recognized or made effective by a court of law as distinguished from a court of equity5: of, relating to, or having the characteristics of the profession of law or of one of its members6: created by the constructions of the law <a legal fiction>

Teach the GCs these words as this is why they are in the mess they are in today.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:35 pm

The Propagandist Viewpoint who has the moral code of a cess-pit is 'aving a larf! So am I :- :lol:

The post refers to the moral and legal situation here and now in 2008 - why don't you try reading posts before replying with your Propaganda that only has one aim - TO DETRACT FROM DEBATE.

So have another go Viewpoint - try reading the post this time. Oh and it might help to remind you that the illegal "selling" of the lands, the dodgy "deeds", the illegal confiscations, the rewarding of the Settlers with the best houses etc didn't happen in 1963 but started in the 1980's, reaching a peak in the late '90's/early '00s and goes on to the present day.

Here's part of the post again,

Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:45 pm

bill cobbett wrote:The Propagandist Viewpoint who has the moral code of a cess-pit is 'aving a larf! So am I :- :lol:

The post refers to the moral and legal situation here and now in 2008 - why don't you try reading posts before replying with your Propaganda that only has one aim - TO DETRACT FROM DEBATE.

So have another go Viewpoint - try reading the post this time. Oh and it might help to remind you that the illegal "selling" of the lands, the dodgy "deeds", the illegal confiscations, the rewarding of the Settlers with the best houses etc didn't happen in 1963 but started in the 1980's, reaching a peak in the late '90's/early '00s and goes on to the present day.

Here's part of the post again,

Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).

Thank you for your gentlemanly response which says more about you than me, ask yourself how we arrived in the current situation, we went via 1963 to 1974 to arrive at today, the constant isolation imposed by GCs will only serve to push the economy in any direction it can generate revenue its called economics why don't you make use of the raining day in the UK and read up on it.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Oct 25, 2008 9:14 pm

It is your actions and your plain support and complicity of and in criminal activity that says an enormous amount about nobody other than YOU.
There is only one reason for stealing the property of others and trying to get away with it and that is CRIMINAL GREED.

(Thanks for your attempt to advise but I don't tend to take advice or accept compliments from people who obviously scrape their moral standard from the bottom of sewers.)
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:24 pm

bill cobbett wrote:It is your actions and your plain support and complicity of and in criminal activity that says an enormous amount about nobody other than YOU.
There is only one reason for stealing the property of others and trying to get away with it and that is CRIMINAL GREED.

(Thanks for your attempt to advise but I don't tend to take advice or accept compliments from people who obviously scrape their moral standard from the bottom of sewers.)

Obviously no one has told you because you appear to be an ignorant bastard that the plane crashed and everyone is trying to survive the best way they can, try getting off your high horse and face reality, life does not stop for anyone, GCs included.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Oct 25, 2008 10:49 pm

(Best not to post about plane crashes mate for an obvious reason)

If anyone wants to add a sensible, on thread comment and given that the PartitionistPropagandistPlonker VP has tried time and time again to disrupt this thread, here is part of my original post again.

Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).
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Postby Mr. T » Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:18 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:The Propagandist Viewpoint who has the moral code of a cess-pit is 'aving a larf! So am I :- :lol:

The post refers to the moral and legal situation here and now in 2008 - why don't you try reading posts before replying with your Propaganda that only has one aim - TO DETRACT FROM DEBATE.

So have another go Viewpoint - try reading the post this time. Oh and it might help to remind you that the illegal "selling" of the lands, the dodgy "deeds", the illegal confiscations, the rewarding of the Settlers with the best houses etc didn't happen in 1963 but started in the 1980's, reaching a peak in the late '90's/early '00s and goes on to the present day.

Here's part of the post again,

Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).

Thank you for your gentlemanly response which says more about you than me, ask yourself how we arrived in the current situation, we went via 1963 to 1974 to arrive at today, the constant isolation imposed by GCs will only serve to push the economy in any direction it can generate revenue its called economics why don't you make use of the raining day in the UK and read up on it.

It is a shame Bill C. that you didn't spend a little more time with your dictionary and then you would have known that a definition of 'such as' Old English is 'FOR EXAMPLE'. You are therefore 100% incorrect in admonishishing Viewpoint for not reading your posting correctly. It is your lack of knowledge of the English language that makes you look a fool.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:48 pm

Mr. T wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:The Propagandist Viewpoint who has the moral code of a cess-pit is 'aving a larf! So am I :- :lol:

The post refers to the moral and legal situation here and now in 2008 - why don't you try reading posts before replying with your Propaganda that only has one aim - TO DETRACT FROM DEBATE.

So have another go Viewpoint - try reading the post this time. Oh and it might help to remind you that the illegal "selling" of the lands, the dodgy "deeds", the illegal confiscations, the rewarding of the Settlers with the best houses etc didn't happen in 1963 but started in the 1980's, reaching a peak in the late '90's/early '00s and goes on to the present day.

Here's part of the post again,

Oh dear, nothing better to do on a dreary, cold, wet day here in London, England so resorted to reading a dictionary, a couple of entries of which I'd like to share.

Here is one definition of the word moral which in the context of posting this as a CyProb thread may enlighten our discussions on such matters as whether, here and now in 2008, it is right or wrong for our lands in the Occupied North to be confiscated by an illegal Occupation Regime and "sold" on for financial and political profit. Is it moral and legal to deal in these stolen goods or for foolish ex-pats and others to "buy" them?

I see I also mentioned the word legal, so here also is the def. for the word "legal" (for morally corupt members, illegal is the opposite meaning).

Thank you for your gentlemanly response which says more about you than me, ask yourself how we arrived in the current situation, we went via 1963 to 1974 to arrive at today, the constant isolation imposed by GCs will only serve to push the economy in any direction it can generate revenue its called economics why don't you make use of the raining day in the UK and read up on it.

It is a shame Bill C. that you didn't spend a little more time with your dictionary and then you would have known that a definition of 'such as' Old English is 'FOR EXAMPLE'. You are therefore 100% incorrect in admonishishing Viewpoint for not reading your posting correctly. It is your lack of knowledge of the English language that makes you look a fool.

It would be helpful if this Apologist For the Illegal Occupation Regime (and I suspect the Former Colonial Power) wrote in intelligible English without the curious and very fuzzy logic. Anyway, in short, another moral bankrupt.

Report? 3/10 for this waste of space. Little Johny Bull must work much, much harder.

Clearly Johny Bull didn't progress to joined-up writing and remains lamentably lacking in joined-up thinking.

(ya oughta ge' yerself a dictionary me old china :lol: )
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