Bananiot wrote:GR Christofias beat your idol, learn to live with this and carry on with your life otherwise Mikellides will be awaiting for you.
Nikitas wrote:As for the capabilities of modern planes to fire from 150 miles, that is exactly what these lasers are aimed at, the ordnance released by planes and other means. So with a fraction of the cost of one plane a small nation can defend itself against these expensive toys that cost billions. But it takes balls to break out of the box and think like an independent nation and plan defence practically.
So far what I see is a lot of parades, lots of time spent on teaching recruits how to salute. This is all crap intended for internal consumption. I will be impressed when there is a school of military tecnology run by Cypriots.
Bananiot wrote:Well, someone better will be welcome, but the way he handles the PR thing I would not be surprised if he gets a second term but it is two early to call. As long as we do not get another Papadopoullite fascist ...
DT. wrote:If anyone thinks that having a formidable defense force is a waste, when it is the one major obstacle stopping a bigger enemy from any further force due to the heavy price that enemy will have to pay...needs a whole lot more than common sense.
Not all wars are won by winning on the battlefield. Sometimes too much damage is not worth the prize.
miltiades wrote:Anyone who believes that Cyprus can resolve its problem by war is in serious need of a refreshment course in logics !!
Here we are a nation of less than 1 million with no airforce ( forget the Greeks they have no stomach for a war with Turkey ) wanting to take on not only Turkey but its allies , mainly Israel .
The Paphitis nonsense is just that Pafitikes pellares and coming from some one who was not even born in Cyprus to suggest such action without caring what catastrophy might engulf our nation , is pure lunacy.
I suggest he rejoins the Australian RAF and go do his fighting in Afghanistan .Stay out of Cyprus mate we dont need you starting a bloody war.
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