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Plonker - a definition

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Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:34 am

Floda wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Floda wrote:The TRUE definition of the word "PLONKER" is a derivative of the slang word for "WINE" or "PLONK" and is most commonly attached to anyone who habitually consumes and depends upon it [almost like an alcoholic] in order to either relax or obtain "Dutch Courage".

If any member knows of any such person so dependant THERE, you will find your classic "PLONKER".

The fact that Del Boy [or his mob] have chosen to frequently use the word in an incorrect fashion is a poor reflection upon THEM and a poorer one upon any who emulate such usage.

"Wine'Os" [or in it's singular form] "Wine'O", is THE term to use [slang wise] for one who has seriously succumbed to the fruits of the grape.

Under the influence of such, the imbiber usually develops quite intolerable habits and can be notoriously unable to accept the opinion of others on ANY subject.

In the medical profession, such addicts [for it is a form of addiction] are usually humoured which I personally feel is wrong since the patient becomes less able to recognize his/her dependance.

Far better to antagonize them, since such treatment may serve to send them completely around the twist and cause them to spout bollocks for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, a "PLONKER" is one who is on the downward slope towards "Wine'Oism" so be warned, take your wine in moderation and avoid the awful stigma that awaits the unwary.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think that everyone can see that you are obsessed with Miltiades , be it the fact that you hold my persona in awe or that in some weird and kinky way you derive some bizzare satisfaction from being constantly engrossed with my person.
Weird assumption it is not , weird behaviour by you it most certainly IS.
Come clean and come out boy ! :roll:

Amused rather than obsessed old chap, I have spent considerable time looking at your past posts and do wonder what earthly good you expect your inane ramblings to do.

You are undoubtably THE most vulgar member [as far as I have seen] and yet you constantly aspire to represent the people of Cyprus whilst simultaneously pandering to every whim of the nations that have brought death and destruction to the country.

The fact that YOU deserted your country's cause and took refuge in the land of the aggressor [where you have apparently carved yourself a little comfort] does not give you license to now sell your couintry [the one you profess to love so well] to those who would now seek to inflict even more destruction upon it.

You have often made mention of your generosity, I say to YOU, better you should be a scrooge and maintain your dignity and allegiance to the land of your birth, rather than a prolific benefactor to those who would rain death and destruction upon the heads of your own countrymen.

I think you are a sham and a vile representation of the many brave patriots who gave their lives in the struggles for their freedom.

Freedom from those that you so admire and now fawn upon like a whipped dog ever ready to lick the hand of his cruel master.

Perhaps you see something of benefit to YOU in adopting the attitudes you do, certainly I doubt if you are really concerned about the well-being of your own [beloved as you would have us believe] countrymen.

I do not expect to find much favour in your eyes, you should know that those who speak truly of you are your friends, those that follow and fawn after you are a danger to your own perceptions, wake up old man, time is running out. :roll:


I dont really have to respond to stupid remarks but I'm in the mood today for exposing YOU , so put your money where your mouth is boy.
Firstly , I along with 250 thousand Cypriots emigrated in the early 60s to the UK and to other destinations. In my case it was in 1961 as a15 year old that in order to continue education in Cyprus I had to pay where in the UK it was free . So the thousands that left Cyprus were not deserters you Plonker they were economic migrants.

Now let us ask you since you have so much time in your hands and since your obviously besotted with me , to produce one post , one paragraph amongst the thousands of my posts where my allegiance to Cyprus is questionable , remember just a lone will do.

As far as vulgarity goes , dont go back too far , just go back to the last 2 days , that's all Plonker , just two days back where the likes of the Chief Australian Plonker was spewing vile filthy language at me , where our P with the gay looking avatar was cursing , swearing and using the most disgustingly filthy language , and where our resident scientist came to their aid by falsely stating that I had sent her a PM asking for help , of course when I responded to her in kind she spewed out a barrage of filth , albeit in Greek , but filth is filth in any language.
What vulgar language did I use Plonker ?? Go on little minion , poor and skint as you no doubt are , because the reason you have become obsessed with me is that you are a loser , struggling from day to day to survive and you pick on someone that you think is loaded , and you are not !!
So lets go Plonker put up or shut up . :twisted:
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Postby Floda » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:03 pm

miltiades wrote:I dont really have to respond to stupid remarks but I'm in the mood today for exposing YOU , so put your money where your mouth is boy.
Firstly , I along with 250 thousand Cypriots emigrated in the early 60s to the UK and to other destinations. In my case it was in 1961 as a15 year old that in order to continue education in Cyprus I had to pay where in the UK it was free . So the thousands that left Cyprus were not deserters you Plonker they were economic migrants.

Now let us ask you since you have so much time in your hands and since your obviously besotted with me , to produce one post , one paragraph amongst the thousands of my posts where my allegiance to Cyprus is questionable , remember just a lone will do.

As far as vulgarity goes , dont go back too far , just go back to the last 2 days , that's all Plonker , just two days back where the likes of the Chief Australian Plonker was spewing vile filthy language at me , where our P with the gay looking avatar was cursing , swearing and using the most disgustingly filthy language , and where our resident scientist came to their aid by falsely stating that I had sent her a PM asking for help , of course when I responded to her in kind she spewed out a barrage of filth , albeit in Greek , but filth is filth in any language.
What vulgar language did I use Plonker ?? Go on little minion , poor and skint as you no doubt are , because the reason you have become obsessed with me is that you are a loser , struggling from day to day to survive and you pick on someone that you think is loaded , and you are not !!
So lets go Plonker put up or shut up . :twisted:

Miltiades, colour it whichever way you like, you abandoned your own country at a time when many others of your age stood fast [some died] in defence of the oppression they were under which was instigated by the very nation YOU chose to flee to.

The free education you received is precisely the burden you carry to this day, since it erased any allegiance you may have had [and I doubt if you ever had any] for the land of your birth.

Your constant bleatings about how much you NOW love your country are probably deeply rooted in the guilt you feel for having left it, you now seek to ingratiate yourself by defending the actions of your adopted [dare I say favoured] homeland [UK] even though it is now widely known that the sad state of Cyprus is the direct result of that nations connivance.

You ask me to indicate where one might find any evidence of your non allegiance to Cyprus, obviously no such post or paragraph would serve as such evidence since you are far too well equipped in the art of deception [probably due to your British brainwashing] to expose yourself to such reproaches, the very fact that you invite such criticisms is indicative of THAT fact and you are well aware of it, however, the overall picture of Miltiades agreeing with the policies which [even currently] will be of detriment to Cyprus [your beloved country] serve very well as testament to the fact that you would once again allow it to be further subjected to a foreign rule.

Your sycophantic opinions are quite sickening and your past posts DO reveal you to be THE most foul mouthed, ignorant and insulting member on this forum [IMHO] and there is no escaping the fact since it is ALL readily visible to any who would [like I] take the time to look it up.

Finally, you very often allude to your wealth, Miltiades, THAT in itself is an indication of vulgarity, there are millions of people starving in this world as a direct result of the actions of your favoured country [UK] and it is offensive to any respectable person [starving or otherwise] to read of how a man of YOUR age, who deserted his country all those years ago NOW wishes to exhibit himself as some kind of returning benefactor.

Have a care old man, there are many who could easily buy and sell you, [you have already been bought], there are many more who may regard your wealth as "Blood Money" come to you at the expense of those who you so [NOW] fervently address as YOUR countrymen.
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Postby Medman » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:06 pm

Oracle is a plonker. She has a lot of issues regarding anything Turkish Cypriot.
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Postby Floda » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:27 pm

Medman wrote:Oracle is a plonker. She has a lot of issues regarding anything Turkish Cypriot.

Correction my friend, I think you will find [unless I am mistaken] that Oracle has an obvious aversion to Turks.

Her love for Cyprus is not in question, therefore one should accept that she may have a just reason for such aversion.
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Postby Medman » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:32 pm

She's one step ahead of the Turks. You're hiding from the Brits. What's going on??????
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:34 pm

Medman wrote:She's one step ahead of the Turks. You're hiding from the Brits. What's going on??????

He's just a muppet, ignore him! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Medman » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:35 pm

Right back at you Bubble and Squeak.
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Postby Floda » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:45 pm

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:
Medman wrote:She's one step ahead of the Turks. You're hiding from the Brits. What's going on??????

He's just a muppet, ignore him! :lol: :lol:

"Bubble 'n' squeak", I noticed in one of your past posts [one of the few which contained more than one word] that you are a happy person.

Well they DO say that "Ignorance is bliss", I wonder if THAT would account for your joyful disposition ?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:51 pm

Floda wrote:
Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:
Medman wrote:She's one step ahead of the Turks. You're hiding from the Brits. What's going on??????

He's just a muppet, ignore him! :lol: :lol:

"Bubble 'n' squeak", I noticed in one of your past posts [one of the few which contained more than one word] that you are a happy person.

Well they DO say that "Ignorance is bliss", I wonder if THAT would account for your joyful disposition ?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It certainly helps! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Floda » Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:07 pm

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:
Floda wrote:
Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:
Medman wrote:She's one step ahead of the Turks. You're hiding from the Brits. What's going on??????

He's just a muppet, ignore him! :lol: :lol:

"Bubble 'n' squeak", I noticed in one of your past posts [one of the few which contained more than one word] that you are a happy person.

Well they DO say that "Ignorance is bliss", I wonder if THAT would account for your joyful disposition ?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It certainly helps! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for that, a perfectly acceptable and humorous response, I love it !!. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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