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Various questions

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Various questions

Postby Vengey » Tue May 17, 2005 5:42 pm


I am looking for a place to relocate and Cyprus comes out on top(so far!)

A little about me.

I am 22 Year old male from the UK. Looking to relocate for a less hectic life and oh...nice weather!

Work won't be a problem as i work over the internet, can work from anywhere.

Working via the internet i would need an always on Internet connection. I have read that telecommunications is fairly advanced in Cyprus, can anyone confirm this? Which areas are better than others? Which areas are to be avoided? How much can ie xpect to pay for a stable connection?

I would be looking to rent(for the time being) a 2-3 bedroom house, fairly close to the coast. I would have a budget of between 300-400 pound sterling a month for rent, is this doable?

I was also hoping people could provide me examples on costs of living. How much a loaf of bread costs, bottle of wine, a beer. What are the costs for eating out compared to eating in?

That should do for now, thank youin advance for your help!

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Postby devil » Tue May 17, 2005 6:35 pm

Generally, an always-on connection near the coast may mean a slightly higher rent, as you have to be close to a city. Your best bet would be Larnaca, as other places with always-on connections may be above your house rent budget.

Bread depends on the type. Village bread is about 50 cents for a 1 kg loaf, but may not be to your taste. Wine is £1.80 -10 for most grades. A £2.50 bottle is quite drinkable. Beer: dunno, never buy the stuff. Restaurant meals, count £5 upwards, depending on the establishment. For £6 - 7, you can often get quite a reasonable meal with moderate drinks.
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Postby Michael Coumas » Tue May 17, 2005 10:48 pm

Good luck
Renting would depend on the area but you shouldn't have much of a problem. Cost of living is getting more expensive & as a rough guide supermarket prices are appx: Bottle Keo Large - 90c, Heinz beans - 80c, Eggs £1.30 / doz, Tea bags - £1.44 / 80, Coffee £2.50 / 200g, Lamb & Beef around £2.75 / Kg, Pork around £2 / Kg, Milk - 56c /L, Sugar - 60c /Kg. Please remember that the cy£ is on average worth up to 20% more than the sterling£ so some of the shopping is on a par with the uk as an average.
Obviously shopping in Waitrose in the Home counties will be more expensive, allbeit of better quality, than shopping in Morrisons in Manchester. Overall however the cost of living is lower assuming you live the same. The temptation is to eat out more but with carefull choice that can be very reasonable as long as you don't want Lobster 3 times a week.
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Postby tcklim » Wed May 18, 2005 8:22 am

Not sure to what standards you'd like your living space to be. I live in Limassol and from the places I've seen, its not going to be easy for you to find a decent house near the coast within the price range you've indicated.

My family live in an appartment complex just by the coast, 3 bedrooms with lots of amenities on-site, tennis court, gardens + pool. The range would be a bit over your budget for a 2 bedroom appartment in this complex. (I think). Contact Stademos Management.

On the other hand if you're not too picky you can find OK accomodation. My bachelor friend has a 2 bedroom close by the sea just off the main tourist area within your budget. But don't expect anything fancy.

You mentioned "house". I would recommend you don't look for houses by the coast within that budget, not worth your while. Appartments more likely.

Also, as a place of residence, given your age I'm suspecting you might want some nightlife. In that regard, Limassol is great and Paphos is seeing rapid development recently (at the expense of Limassols declining tourism).

That's my 2 cents worth, from my point of view anywayz..... 8)
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Postby Svetlana » Wed May 18, 2005 9:40 am

UK£400 pm is unlikely to get you a house near the coast in most areas, though it depends on your definition of 'near' I suppose!

Broadband is available in all major towns and their immediate parimeter; ADSL is widely but not universally available. Dial up is not available everywhere, but if you are renting an existing property I ma sure you would make sure it was. Satellite download or upload/download is an expensive option of course.

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