denizaksulu wrote:Halil, pleasetell your friends in High places to make it illegal to ethnically cleanse Olive trees. Otherwise , in years to come there will be no 'Olive Festival' to celebrate.
Can you imagine a 'Concrete Festival?.
halil wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Halil, pleasetell your friends in High places to make it illegal to ethnically cleanse Olive trees. Otherwise , in years to come there will be no 'Olive Festival' to celebrate.
Can you imagine a 'Concrete Festival?.
you are right Deniz ,
there is a law . replant the olive trees but it will only safe the trees but not safe the seasides or nice place be come concrete piles .
This year i planted 24 olive trees more my in land Deniz .
Now every day i can test freshly made Çakızdes but i am on diet now i can have only 10 of them everyday . you can say too much but i reduced some colories from other allowed food to balance daily taken .
SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Crazy palate!
You too?
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