detailer wrote:ARCHILLES
It is ACHILLES if you dont mind, thanks

First of all, you are defining turkish wrongly. In modern times, turkish doesnt mean a mongolian tribe. It means poeple who speak Turkish and have some common cultural bacground, generally moderate muslim, also limitedly affected by old turkic culture and race.
This is irrelevant. I am talking about where the ancestors of the Ottomans and the majority of modern TUrks came from.
As a Turkish Cypriot I dont look like a Mongolian but more like an Albanian probably which is completely ok.
You make it sound as if being or looking like a Mongolian is a curse. If this is you implication, allow me to disagree. Same goes with looking like an Albanian, as far as i am concerned. I do not really see the issue here.
It is completely ridiculous to say that Turklsh in western Trace well joined to the rest of the society. They have suffered a lot especially until 90ties. They havent been allowed to repair their own houses. Their leader died in a car "accident". They have been forced to study Turkish books left from 50ties. Now because of EU, they are relatively better.
This is a very biased and misleading statement. All minorities have problems adapting smoothly to any society. Look at the United States a few decades ago, just to name one example to comes to mind. The major issues have overcomes and now they are operating quite smoothly within the Greek society. And i will refrain from commenting on how mainland Turkey has been treating its ethnic minorities for centuries and centuries. Shall i remind you of the young-turks?

A humble suggestion is that its always a good thing to be self-critical before judging others with the most strict criteria on 'treating ethnic minorities'.
Even today, it is forbidden to use "Turkish" in the name of any society name in an EU country. They are forced to accept that they are "greek muslims!!!" if such a thing ever existed in the history.
Two quick comments. A good number of credible historical sources present Oddyseas Androutsos, a true hero of the Greek Revolution, to be an original muslim in terms of religious stance. Yet, he fought ferociously against the Ottoman rule. Are you still positive that such a thing never existed in history?
One more thing: a 'Greek muslim' can be though of as a Greek citizen who practices Islam. His ethnic origin is a different story but lets not get lost in semantics here, shall we?
But your point lies in one sentence. "They are the result of ottoman invasion". Yes, turkish are living in cyprus and istanbul because of ottoman invasion too. That is a fact and another fact is that most of the pople living in the world today live there because of some invasion. You need to digest that.
You call me a lier but you fail to pinpoint where exactly the lie is. In fact, you corroborate what i say. Read your post again.
And i never claimed that i have not digested the fact the Constantinople, the Minor Asia coastline, Pontos and Northern Cyprus are no longer under Greek control.
And a thing called "Kurdistan" was never there
since the ancient times. They always joined to the society next to them.
To the turkish if they are in anotolia, to the persians if persia ....
One way or another, its their land either we like it or not.
Please tell me there are how many Turkish person who are in high positions in Greece.
This looks like a not-very-bright question...can you please explain to me what do you mean by 'high positions' and under which criteria a Turk could have occupied one?
Thanks in advance.