[/quote]humanist wrote:VPDo we also have the right to say no?
VP you also HAVE the right to say NO. The question you have to be asking yourseves is can your community afford to say NO.
You are already lacking behind the ROC 34 years of progress. With the exception of the very few of you who eat and fill up your bellies from the regmes coffers the others will say a big fat yes again because they have got a taste of the greener grass on the other side.
Europe does not want Turkey in the EU we all know it and unless you side wuth the GC's and Europe on this one you will remain with what you got for a long time yet, because Europe ain't about to hand its territory to Turkey.
It wants Turkey out of Cyprus just as much as the Cypiots best to have 5o miles of water between Europ and Turkey than right in its back yard.
humanist wrote:Vote NO, you reserve the right to do so.
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