Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Oracle wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Oracle wrote:bill cobbett wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Oracle wrote:bill cobbett wrote:DT. wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:humanist wrote:what past is that bubbles ........ my country never invaded another.
Excluding the indigenous Turkish population from the right to vote, equal human rights and status within Cyprus and forcing the Turkish population from their homes and land which was theirs by birthright is just as much a crime! Which Turkey responded to! And justly so! Excluding parts of your history and ignoring the facts of the past are why your arguments will never have any credibility!![]()
on behalf of the raped, the killed and the displaced in Cyprus because of the Turkish invasion I say fuck you
PRESIDENTESS ORACLE Despite the truth in what DT says in all but the last four words of his post, he has been really nasty to B&S in the last four words unless of course it's some kind of chat up line.
Come down hard on him with your Presidential Powers!
It is highly uncharacteristic of DT. a family man with soft and tender parts, to react without provocation.
Reading the posts in an impartial and judicial manner I find the comments of one B & S untoward, provocative, and dogged with prejudicial and inflammatory, nay incendiary injections.
She is a brazen hussy for upsetting the soft and tender DT. and should be confined to the "Meet New People" section until she has learnt to mind her P's and Q's ...
Sentence is passed
...condemned to the "Meet New Perverts" section! Poor B&S! Will the wise Elle Presidentess not take in to account mitigating circumstances in that B&S has been seen playing games with Deniz and may have been corrupted?
I cannot deny having noticed a number of changes in our veteran member Deniz ... and may rule his corruption is the result of rubbing shoulders with the likes of the B & S Twins ....
Explain exactly what you mean by this please O.
She is sounding more and more like the Krays
and you sound like an extremist whose only aim is to insight conflict & hatred on both sides!
There was no conflict till you started screaming your unfounded, ignorant accusations ....