Erol wrote: Maybe it is but people who want the kidnapping to end often do pay the ransom.
wrote: The sale of such properties is illegal under RoC law. It is legal under TRNC law. It is not illegal under any other countries laws - for example there is no law in the UK that makes such sales illegal. Maybe there should be but there is not.
wrote: If only this was the way the world worked. If only all illegal (and bad) acts eventualy had to be paid for by the perpetrators. History clearly shows otherwise. This kind of statment is a stament of desire, not a statment of fact or 'truth'.
wrote: If direct flights were authorised by the RoC then they could just as qucikly be unautherised by them.
wrote: None us can see the future, we only think we can. Howver the above is based on the false premis (imo) that the authorites here have created and promoted and encouraged this latest boom in the North.
wrote: If you ignore ownership of the land (just for a moment) then what is happeneing here is no different to what has laready happened and continues to happen in the south and just about anywhere else that is 'attractive' to foreign property buyers.
wrote: If a TC who lost land in the south after 74 and gained land in the north sells this land to someone else then of course they loose any right to reclaim their porperty in the south. I do not think there is a TC selling land in the north that realy believes thay can do so and claim back their land in the south as well. As far as most TC are concerened they have already lost their property in the south and have moved on
wrote: What we are asking for is what we were promised - and end to our economic isolation. In the absesne of that we will inevitably and inexorable look for any aveneues we can to grow economicaly. Your view is at odds with the rest of the world current position as I see it. They accept that it is not fair or condusctive to a solution in the future for us to be held economicaly held hostage by the south. I understand you are not happy with this appraoch but it is a direct consequence of your no vote in the referendum - no matter how unfair that might be.
wrote: Our political status was in limbo well before the events of 74. Our poltical status being in limbo was not caused by the events of 74, but rather the events of 74 were caused by our polticial status being in limbo.
wrote: I am struggling to try and pin point the exact date when we were free to come and take control of what was rightfully ours under the 1960 consitituion without concession.
wrote: Cleraly you think I would go on an orgy of wanton spending and in a few years have 'spunked away' all this capital raised and be destitute. I might however decide to take this capital and invest it in a new (or existing) business venture, be they based on property development or any other sector, that if sucsessful would lead to more economic activity and growth.
MicAtCyp wrote:
You must be joking right? Are you telling me that in the UK anyone can sell someone elses property???
MicAtCyp wrote:
Erol you must forget about the middle ages.Now we are in the 21st century.The same illegal acts were done in ex East Germany and 70 years later the situation today is reversed. I repeat:
The properties of the GCs WERE-ARE-AND WILL ALWAYS BE THEIRS. And they are returnable upto the last inch.
MicAtCyp wrote:Sorry Erol, we are not that damn to buy the American idiocity.Once those flights are permitted the game is over....
MicAtCyp wrote:I agree the same thing is currently happening in the free areas too.But at least they sell their own properties not the properties of someone elses.
MicAtCyp wrote:Even supposing it was their own land,
MicAtCyp wrote:And whatever consequences that will bring it is upto those villagers who sell their seaside properties to counter, especially when their children will grow up and they will need to buy land to build houses of their own.
However if you mean the economic recession those sales would have to RoC economy once they start declining I would say these sales ARE NOT our primary source of economic activity. So yes they will have an impact but not a catastrophic one.In other words we will not be looking around to find something else to do to ensure our incomes. Howeve as I said, I foresee that the effect in the occupied areas will be catastrophic.
MicAtCyp wrote:Erol do I have to repeat once again that the TCs left behind area-wise 1/3rd of the property they got, and 1/20th value-wise? It is very easy to assume they got even and they moved on.There will be a time that the accounts will need to be settled and then you will see who will start losing his sleep at night.
MicAtCyp wrote:Well I think you already realised that they simply fooled you into beleiving promises that were not upto them to give on the first place.Second you seem to beleive to verbal rhetorics forgeting the previous verbal rhetorics about the Turkish army leaving and the GC refugees returning to their homes the same people were selling to us.
MicAtCyp wrote:Today fully your fault, back then partly your fault.So whats your point? I raised this point trying to tell you that you have to advance economically through the legal state, and this will no way affect your already in limbo political status.
MicAtCyp wrote:You can do this even today.Simply your leadership does not want to.
MicAtCyp wrote:Oh!!! And I thought those who were actually selling their properties were doing it to satisfy their basic needs.
MicAtCyp wrote:Silly of me, how did I get that impression?
MicAtCyp wrote:So now you are telling me they are doing it to invest in other bussiness? I hope these other bussiness go well otherwise i see those people losing both "the eggs and the basket".
PS. The last one is a Greek proverb.Don't know if it exists in English.
Erol wrote: I am not talking about the middle ages. I am pointing out the reality of all ages which is that justice is not always served.
Erol wrote: I do admit however that if the desire is to force TC to accept things as a result of 'force' and not consent then it is a valuable 'weapon' and thus it would seem that your objective is just such a forcing of GC will on TC.
No what I am telling you is that there is no law in the UK (or the EU for that matter) that says it is illegal under UK law (or EU law for that matter) for a UK citizen (or EU citizen) to buy property in the TRNC.
-mikkie2- wrote: Erol,
The government in the UK advises people wishing to buy property in northern Cyprus to take legal advice before doing so. What does that mean?
-mikkie2- wrote:That is basically saying that it is ok to buy property that is OWNED by a TC in the north since before 1974, ie that the ownership is legal, and that it perhaps is not OK to buy property that is legally owned by a GC.
-mikkie2- wrote:Do not misrepresent the laws of the UK.
-mikkie2- wrote:There is obviously no such law precluding people in the UK from buying property in the 'trnc'
-mikkie2- wrote:for the pure and simple reason that the 'trnc' is out of the juristiction of the UK.
-mikkie2- wrote:However, the UK government is obliged to warn potential buyers of property in the north to check the legal status of whatever it is they are buying.
-mikkie2- wrote:And that is what the British government is doing.
-mikkie2- wrote:I suggest you quit peddling BS!
-mikkie2- wrote: Please do not insult my intelligence on this. The British government is being very specific when it says people should take independent legal advice on such matters. It is essentially giving people a warning of the huge risks they are taking.
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