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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:30 pm

Comparing the original text posted by Eracles with the rewritten report posted by Halil gives basis to the popular proverb: "we speak together but understand separately".
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Postby CBBB » Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:16 pm

Worldbulletin have now publsihed an article which seems to indicate that the PACE resolution wasn't so positive as originally twisted.
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Postby GeorgeV97qaue » Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:40 pm

zan wrote:
pantheman wrote:We should make NO compromises or give anything UNTIL an agreement has been made.

Why Don't the Turks make the first goodwill move by removing the mountain flag first? Why is it that they expect the GC to be making all the concessions first?

Because they are still thieving low down criminal scum and they are only interested in taking taking taking.

It makes me so mad :evil: that it is always the GC side that has to be bending over. We get invaded, raped, murdered, ethnically cleansed from our home, kept out for 34 years and STILL WE have to be the nice guys.

Let Turkey recognise the RoC first, let turkey open its ports to Cypriot registered ships, let turkey remove at least half their troops from this island, then you can safely say they have made some goodwill moves.

Otherwise, no sir, no deal, you wait a solution BEFORE you get anything else.

What excuse are you going to give for flying Greek flags then matey???

Zan no greek flags on the side of mountains matey. You are the only ones that do that.

No compromise. Why should we be expected to fulfill the resolution when the turks and tc ignore all the UN resloutions.

The EU can stick it up their arse. You show good will first then we will. Give back famagusta and achna then we can talk about easing the isolation otherwise piss off.
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Postby halil » Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:55 pm


President Mehmet Ali Talat has referred to the PACE’s Cyprus resolution as ‘unilateral’.

The newly adopted draft resolution of PACE is a unilateral one and it even brought the past issues back, the President said.

In his interview to the Turkish news channel NTV, right after his address to the PACE while the Cyprus report was being debated, President Talat criticized the Greek Cypriot Leader Demetris Christofias for bashing Turkey’s red lines and saying that a solution under such conditions cannot take place.
Noting that Mr Christofias is commenting on the statement of the Turkish National Security Council, Talat said the major aim here is to gain time by throwing the responsibility onto the Turkish side.

‘Mr Christofias is particularly speaking against Turkey. He does not do so to me because he knows that I will reply him. By pointing his criticisms to Turkey, he wants to leave questions unanswered’ Talat added.
Commenting on the PACE decision on the report ‘The Situation in Cyprus’, the President said this report must had been better than the past ones but it has been worse.

‘The resolution is unilateral and brings the past issues back. Even the issue of Greek Cypriot schools in Karpaz is opened back although the education provided to Greek Cypriot children in Karpaz were found sufficient earlier. However, the issue of opening a school for Turkish Cypriots in Limasol is not referred to. This is purely a unilateral report. The past reports were more balanced even though it was the past administration in North Cyprus and the doors were closed. We as the new administration have provided a way of solution to the property issue. And under such new conditions, the Cyprus report must had been better than the old ones’ Talat said.

Explaining that the Cyprus issue is an obstacle in the way towards Turkey’s EU membership, Mr Talat went on to say that it was definitely the EU’s mistake to accept the Greek Cypriot side’s unilateral membership before the solution of the Cyprus problem.

On the new solution process in Cyprus, President Mehmet Ali Talat said Christofias actually has the will for a solution but does not know how make it as his partners follow the same policy with the former Greek Cypriot Leader Tassos Papadopoulos.

‘I am optimistic about the solution of the Cyprus problem. Because I believe that we have a very important opportunity now. The presence of Mr Christofias and mine should smooth the way for a settlement. If we do not make it, providing a solution will be much and much harder. We agree with Mr Christofias on that’ Talat added.

President Talat is expected to arrive in the Republic this evening.


The Turkish Foreign Ministry has responded to PACE’s Cyprus report and resolution by saying that they are against the existing UN parameters.

The statement from the Turkish Foreign Ministry also reiterated its support to President Mehmet Ali Talat’s constructive approach on the Cyprus issue towards establishing a new partnership on the basis of political equality and two constituent states of equal status.
The Foreign Ministry said the resolution adopted by PACE after the approval of the report called ‘the Situation in Cyprus’, is contrary to the PACE resolution 1376, adopted in 2004 and expressed its disappointment over that.

It went on saying that the resolution can no way make contributions to the UN-sponsored negotiations process in Cyprus.
Making reference to President Talat’s disappointment over the Cyprus report and its draft resolution, the Ministry said the Turkish side shares the same view with Mr Talat.

Turkish Foreign Ministry also welcomed President Talat’s address at the PACE in Strasbourg yesterday and his contacts with high level heads of PACE organs.
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Postby pantheman » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:31 pm

halil wrote:

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has responded to PACE’s Cyprus report and resolution by saying that they are against the existing UN parameters.

FFS halil, when did F Turkey ever care about UN Parameters, since they have ignore the many hundreds against them on the Cyprus issue. You have a cheek to report such trash, is there no end to you shit shovelling mate? Jeezzzz.

The statement from the Turkish Foreign Ministry also reiterated its support to President Mehmet Ali Talat’s constructive approach on the Cyprus issue towards establishing a new partnership on the basis of political equality and two constituent states of equal status.

Again you are playing your brainwashing games, you think if you say it enough times, the world would be stupid enough to fall for it. You guys are just taking the piss, come on.

The Foreign Ministry said the resolution adopted by PACE after the approval of the report called ‘the Situation in Cyprus’, is contrary to the PACE resolution 1376, adopted in 2004 and expressed its disappointment over that.

It went on saying that the resolution can no way make contributions to the UN-sponsored negotiations process in Cyprus.
Making reference to President Talat’s disappointment over the Cyprus report and its draft resolution, the Ministry said the Turkish side shares the same view with Mr Talat.

Turkish Foreign Ministry also welcomed President Talat’s address at the PACE in Strasbourg yesterday and his contacts with high level heads of PACE organs.

You guys really need to join a circus, because that is all you are good for, you give us all a very good laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby halil » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:58 pm

Pentaman by reporting this I AM TESTİNG YOUR BLOOD PRESURE :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:00 pm

Well done to The Council of Europe. :D ... and well done President Christofias.

Just hang in there for a full and real solution of TOTAL removal of all Turkish influence from Cyprus-EU.

This is exactly what we have needed all along, some signs to let Turkey know it does not call all the shots.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:04 pm

I feel like singing .... :D



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Postby Oracle » Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:31 pm

The Assembly therefore

11.3. calls upon the authorities of the Turkish Cypriot community to:

11.3.1. confirm their commitment to reunifying Cyprus, and to refrain from insisting on the existence of a “separate state” in the north of the island;

11.3.2. put on hold the sales of, and construction on, Greek Cypriot properties in the northern part of Cyprus;

11.3.3. further improve the access to the secondary education for Greek Cypriot children in the northern part of Cyprus.

12. The Assembly urges Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom, as the three guarantor states of 1960 Constitution of Cyprus, to fully and actively use their influence to support the ongoing political process in Cyprus.

13. In particular, the Assembly calls upon Greece to use, on the one hand, its traditional ties with the Greek Cypriots, and on the other hand, its experience of building normalised relations with Turkey, in order to facilitate dialogue between the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey.

14. Furthermore, the Assembly calls upon Turkey to:

14.1. contribute to creating a more constructive climate in the negotiations by reducing, as a confidence-building measure, its military presence in the occupied part of Cyprus;

14.2. actively seek the establishment of good-neighbourly relations with the Republic of Cyprus, including lifting the ban against entering ports in Turkey imposed on vessels registered in the Republic of Cyprus and on vessels sailing under other flags which enter the ports of the Republic of Cyprus, and to sign a trade agreement with the Republic of Cyprus in accordance with the commitment made by Turkey to the World Trade Organization and its obligations under its Customs Union Agreement with the European Union;

14.3. co-operate effectively in the efforts to ascertain the fate of the missing persons in Cyprus and to fully implement the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of Cyprus v. Turkey (2001) pertaining to the tragic problem of the missing persons and their families and abide by and fulfil, without any further delay, its obligations and duties stemming from the aforementioned judgment.

15. The Assembly calls upon the United Kingdom to confirm its previous offer to transfer part of the territory of its military bases in Cyprus to Greek Cypriots in order to facilitate territorial adjustments to be negotiated between the two parties in the framework of a comprehensive settlement.

16. The Assembly asks its committees, when holding meetings in Cyprus, to associate as much as possible representatives of the Turkish Cypriot political forces, as well as representatives of civil society and NGOs from both communities. ... C11699.htm
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:31 pm

Oracle wrote:The Assembly therefore

11.3. calls upon the authorities of the Turkish Cypriot community to:

Good post...
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