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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:01 pm

...could care less what the parents choose for themselves. if the child chooses his/her education and public support in one language or the other, I care that this Right is equally available to all Cypriots.

...realistically, what is so hard about "Turks" opening schools, hospitals, other services, and "Greeks" opening their own as well, providing service to whoever, as Cypriots.

if you are living in the south, this is most important, so that the free movement, and the association offered to all Cypriots is as it should be in all its varieties. having a past as we do, as the oldest of cultures, having witnessed the birth of several world religions, having adapted from the subjugation of others repeatedly, for millenia, now we have focused on being Greek and/or Turk, what other form of Intolerance can we demonstrate worse than tearing the island in two, as our legacy.

... i can only imagine "gifting' this island, in whole, or its parts, to one or many of the interlopers.

in my Cyprus, i would have a State, Sovereign over all the territory, and strong enough to defend us, its norms and criteria subject to the EU, our representative at the UN; being a member our representation would strive to better these customs. in my Cyprus, i would vote thricely, the sameway any other Cypriot votes, as a Cypriot: for my Turkish Cypriot representative, for my Greek Cypriot representative; in the Upper House, where a President must win a majority of these equally divided seats to lead, and from a third seperate slate, without support from National Parties, an Independant representative, for the Lower House, who vote after sober second thought on the legislation presented before them, and who choose amongst themselves to sit on all Government Committees.

being Bicommunal, in my Cyprus, we would represent ourselves as Persons as well, in National Assemblies, so that, as Communities we can effect our daily lives, and we can demonstrate inclusiveness toward all forms of minorities amongst us, while as majorities, sustaining ourselves. Here is realpower, taxdollars will remain closer to the tax-payer.

in my Cyprus, there are no borders, although there are many frontiers. in my Cyprus too, it makes sense to take the father's name, and i suppose the EU offers the hyphenation of surnames as well.

...but this little mess opens many questions, since it is what the future will bring.

and what is a child if the father is Cypriot, but Sri Lankin?
...must all children "be" "greek/turkish/perhaps maronite and/or armenian/romes/and others in the future should we decide". why not? if we can provide to these children better education, because through their distinctions their identity can thrive, as Cypriots, they will be able to provide in social-exchange with others a service many times more valuable because of its diversity.

is not so simple because Cyprus is 80% "Greek" today. this is not the reality to embrace, and we cannot resist the future. To sustain "Greek", or "Turkish" for that matter, we must secure for ourselves our own governance [(National Assemblies) something TCs have to reform but GCs have to found] And as "Greeks" or as "Turks" we can be welcoming. Yet to secure ourselves as Individuals, within these Communities, it is essential that a Cyprus exists (FRoC or the one i like URoC) to represent us as the stewards, all equal, as this island's dwellers.

So you like two levels of governance; three (or more) governments, Bicommunal: as an Individual, as a Person?

this is where we are, or where we want to get to, because "one" seems absolutely out of the question, and "two" serves the shame of a fait accompli, which was no worse or no better than the displacements which preceded.

a change must be embraced for there to be any end to the Cyprus Problem. in the most realistic terms, for there to be true redress, at least some of the communities should return as communities. these communities, as enclaves receive from their respective National Assemblies the support they need to be (self)sustaining. the fabric of the territories which surround these Jurisdictions are less likely to be affected by this change in demographics, while such a system of repopulation allows for a great deal of growth of the island's population rationally.

l'Etat c'est moi, i love to feel that way when i am in Cyprus, the body of the land is so small. knowing such things as trees where pilgrams call; the dust, and even the air of this little island, are valuable to me...

...someday to feel free, without fear, and happy.
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Postby zan » Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:52 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:The child is obviously a True Cypriot.... :wink:
Not a GC or a TC but the real McCoy..
What is stopping the ROC simply adding Cypriot to the available options???....
This would solve Kafenes' problem as well.... :(

I am asking this in all ignorance of the legalities of the situation...So please respond only if you know the legal impediment to adding Cypriot to the form..... 8)

If the govt goes ahead and does that then they would be hounded by people like the Zan's and VP's of this place of trying to assimilate the TC's by osmosis. Yet more paranoia.

Well...I think instead of "other" they could have the "Cypriot " option...
People can choose themselves what they want to call themselves....It is disgraceful that Kafenes should have to put up with being called "Other" in his own country... :evil:
I am sure Zan can cope with this,he is not crazy...

Yeh! DT......This is the one we have been waiting for.....The one which will see you dead in the water.......But drat! You have seen through us and spoiled our plans.....Out of all the other things you have done to us and the constitution this is the one thing that would have sorted you lot out for ever...Double drat!!!!

What a cop out mate...You have been the sole government for 45 years and you do what ever the hell you like but this one item stumps you!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:52 pm

... whatever the form, I can only see this Qualification (TC or GC) as a way for the authorities (as a single government bicommunal State) to serve this newborn better in the future.

The child is born Cypriot. Many have attested to this in this thread, through their own identity cards.

...having any other choice is what surprises me., (same, same, other)
and if, for whatever reason, two Greek Cypriots decide to claim their child is Turkish Cypriot in another incident, has society a reason to restrict this choice, should it consider promoting these values for its own diversity, or should it act to defend these individuals and their Freewill (simply put) against malice.

zan, it seems you want a perfect system by pointing fingers,...
very few systems are perfect.
...when a man has a panel that needs fixing, and he has many panels, do you tell him to tear it all out,
without thinking of modernising? (and the cost)
your soul is bruised forever, mine too
there is the panel.

i do wish you would reconsider your view on land usage
at issue is redress to all the displaced, not money
acts. humility and Grace
what is better than communities reborn?
and what is wrong with enclaves?
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Postby zan » Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:17 am

repulsewarrior wrote:... whatever the form, I can only see this Qualification (TC or GC) as a way for the authorities (as a single government bicommunal State) to serve this newborn better in the future.

The child is born Cypriot. Many have attested to this in this thread, through their own identity cards.

...having any other choice is what surprises me., (same, same, other)
and if, for whatever reason, two Greek Cypriots decide to claim their child is Turkish Cypriot in another incident, has society a reason to restrict this choice, should it consider promoting these values for its own diversity, or should it act to defend these individuals and their Freewill (simply put) against malice.

zan, it seems you want a perfect system by pointing fingers,...
very few systems are perfect.
...when a man has a panel that needs fixing, and he has many panels, do you tell him to tear it all out,
without thinking of modernising? (and the cost)
your soul is bruised forever, mine too
there is the panel.

i do wish you would reconsider your view on land usage
at issue is redress to all the displaced, not money
acts. humility and Grace
what is better than communities reborn?
and what is wrong with enclaves?

I have told you what I don't like about enclaves RW. You want more.....It does no more for mixing the people than two states.....It reminds me of New York type areas with gangs forming to keep outsiders out......More tension....The rest I have explained.

I realise that there can never be perfection in any society but the finger has always been pointing at us.......It seems to hurt you more when that is reversed..

As for panels.....The whole car has been left out in the rain for too long.....It has only scrap value....A new modern one with all the safety features is a much better prospect.......Besides....The ownership is in dispute of the old one
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