DT. wrote:zan wrote:DT. wrote:DT. wrote:zan wrote:Bananiot wrote:She is Greek Cypriot and she married a Turkish Cypriot. They live in the RoC. A thousand problems needed to be overcome, some real, most imaginary. Now they have a huge problem.
The lady gave birth to a lovely son. Red tape has it that the boy needs top be "enrolled" as a citizen but Cypriot alone will not do. He needs to be written as a Greek Cypriot or a Turkish Cypriot. These are the only two options.
Shows you that the Cypriot is fictional in law.....The need for a new constitutional definition could not be more clear.
Is that why in the Annan Plan the TC side was insisting on separate constitutions and seprate citizenships for the statelets?
Had this plan passed as Bananiot wished it then this poor couple would of had a lot more problems.
But this is in the "RoC" DT...The home of the Cypriot is it not...Shows how much bullshit you have been feeding the world...It is now coming out of your ears.....Can I ask you the next time you are at Tpaps table drinking and eating with him to ask him if he negotiated this point the weeks he spent with the UN making the final deal......Did he push for a Cypriot identity????
This "mess" in the ROC Zan is your insistence on labelling people TC's and GC's just so that you can have a disproportional representation in the govt.
This was your deal matey! Please keep up Zan, this is basic Cyprus history and you are dissapointing me.
I am not the one asking these people to chose a creed for their child...The "RoC" is and then you come along and try to avoid the implications.......There are two people on Cyprus and we in the TRNC know that. IOt is you in the so called CYPRIOT "RoC" that says you are CYpriots and that is it...Well this proves that isn't it....There seems to be no such thing......Give you the political power and there will not even be a TC but a Muslim cypriot box in the form......