zan wrote:Piratis wrote:Viewpoint wrote:We were being systmatically cleansed by your religious leader.
As much as we were systematically cleansed by you, the ones who started that conflict in the first place. The numbers are clear. So why do you blame Makarios for the conflict and not your TMT who started it? Or did you want us to just sit their and let you attack us, kill us and impose your will on us with your collaboration with the British and not to fight back for our rights?
And now we are talking
just for that decade. Not counting the 10s of thousands of Cypriots that you killed
before AND
after that decade.
It is really ridiculous from your part to present yourselves as the innocent victims when it is you who invaded our island in the first place and then oppressed us for centuries, and you who started both the inter communal conflict of 1958-1968 and the war of 1974.
First the Megali idea and then ENOSIS and this clown says we started it

Try saying it another tousand times Piratis and even you might believe it because nobody else dose

It is clear who started it mate.
Our desire for freedom like all other Greek territories and islands was our right. It is you who attacked and invaded our island in order to deprive us from our freedom.
According to you our desire for freedom from your brutal rule was "what started it"?? Tell me what you conclude from the paragraph below Zan:
During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.
1) That the Cypriot people, along with the rest of Greeks, wanted to free themselves of the foreign Ottoman rule and create a free Greek state as it was their right.
2) That the "evil" Cypriots (and Greeks in general?) had no right for freedom and therefore the Turks had the right to again attack them, kill them, and continue to impose their rule over Cyprus by force.