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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:28 pm

zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:My father could not feed six children you piece of shit, because of the siege that Makarios had on us....

Is this what the CyProb wraps up to? A "siege by Makarios"?

When a couple of thousand of your people saw fit to join the British and support colonialism, was that a "siege by Makarios"?

When 200-300 of your people saw fit to form TMT and smuggled weapons in from Turkey via Kokkina to rebel even further, and killed peaceful TCs for not rebelling against the GCs, was that a "siege by Makarios"?

When your people planted a bomb on TC property to vindicate GCs and exacerbated the conflict, was that a "siege by Makarios"?

When you waste your time digesting ATCA junk is that a "siege by Makarios"?

It's more like a siege of your feeble mind...

I know what my family lived through mate and it was the attack of Greeks on TCs for not supporting ENOSIS and the Megali idea. The Akritas plan is clear on what it wanted to achieve and it got what it wanted by hook or by crook and the mass exodus of TCs was on objective. The others would have been dealt with appropriately when the time came...The all encompassing plan . We had the TMT to stop you and the murder of our people.....The list of things that were stopped by Makarios has been posted many times...Means of building new villages and means of surviving was refused us.

Freedom from foreign rulers was the right of the Cypriot people. How was it fine for you for Cyprus to be under Ottoman, or British rule against the will of the native Cypriot people, but not fine to be part of a free independent Greek state, along with the rest Greek islands and territories, which is what the vast majority of Cypriots wanted??

The Cypriot people were fighting for their freedom and the Turks are the ones who attacked us in order to kill and prevent Cyprus from being free.

Here is the first time they did it:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

And here is the second time, when they attacked us while we were fighting against the British colonialists (not against them):

Our only "crime" was our desire for freedom. We never attacked the Turks, we only defended ourselves when they attacked as and started wars and conflicts against us, and the only thing we ever fought for was our right to rule our own island in a democratic way.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:34 pm

zan wrote:
utu wrote:
zan wrote:
utu wrote:Those settlers do need to be repatriated back to Turkey in a final settlement - at least those with no Cypriot family ties. The Ankara government brought them over illegally, so they have the moral resonsibility to repatriate and compensate them.

Do you think that the "RoC" should then give all voting rights back to the displaced TCs all over the world utu.......From the 1963 period on???? And should we also review all settlers from their side as well from the same period on..... :?:


The Turkish settlers were brought in purely as a political tactic. It was also an illegal move, as defined by the United Nations. Those settlers without Cypriot roots (such as family) really have no legal right to be there. Compensated repatriation needs to be done. As for the Turkish Cypriot diaspora, they should be encouraged to Cyprus.
As far as Greek 'settlers' go, well... since the RoCy is the recognized government in Cyprus, if they bring 'em in, then it is - in the eyes of the law - lawful immigration. It sounds sad and unfair, but since the internation rejection of the 1983 UDI of the north, your side is technically speaking an outlaw juristiction.

So forcing me and my family out of Cyprus to change the demography of Cyprus was legal? We should also forget about the moral side of the Cyprob in these talks also????..The Cyprob has been in and out of courts for 40 years plus....and nothing.......

Again Zan is full of shit.

There was no kind of demographic change during the inter-communal conflict:

According to the censuses which took place in Cyprus before the factual partition of the island, the Greek Cypriot community amounted to 447,901 (78,2%) in 1960, and to 498,511 (78,9%) in 19734. The Turkish Cypriot community numbered 103,822 (18,1%) people in 1960, and 116 000 (18,4%) in 1973. The total population of Cyprus was 572,707 in 1960 and 631,778 in 1973 (see Appendix 3, Table 1). An average rate of annual growth for both communities between 1960 and 1973 was similar and amounted to 0,8%. In consequence, the ethnic distribution of the population did not change between 1960 and 1974 and the proportion of each community remained stable. ... OC9799.htm

The poverty in Cyprus and the conflict had affected both communities, and people from both communities emigrated abroad. In fact there are far more Greek Cypriots abroad than Turkish Cypriots.
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Postby wallace » Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:36 pm

zan wrote:
wallace wrote:
zan wrote:
wallace wrote:
zan wrote:
humanist wrote:and you have made it to the least of a true Cypriot

Says who...YOU???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You have no clue what happened in Cyprus and quite frankly you don't care.......You just want what you want and that is it...Spoiled little brat!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:

What we want is plonkers like you to stay where you are. No need for people with your kind of thinking :D

I bet you don't......Well it aint gonna happen love...Live with it 8) 8) 8)

If you want to call me love you're gonna have to kiss me first plonker :roll: It's not me who has to live with's people like you that will have to live with it. I'm also for partition....just like you :lol: :lol: Now let's build that 9 meter high wall along the bufferline so our problems are resolved also. Hook up with your motherland turkey=fascist state which will not see EU and let's see where you all will end up. It's allready a third world country there in the north 8)

KISS KISS KISS...Is that OK love!!! Now you are talking my language and you really are a love...KISS KISS!!!! :lol:

Why don't you kiss my ass you turkey loving plonker :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: And believe me.....the time will come that you will be kissing many asses :D :D :D
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:26 pm

zan wrote:
humanist wrote:no one forced Zan and his family out of cyprus they chose to leave
utu has made a very claer and corrext point.

My father could not feed six children you piece of shit, because of the siege that Makarios had on us....You keep talking crap mate and you can kiss goodbye to 37% of Cyprus...WE WILL NOT LISTEN TO ANY MORE OF YOUR PROPAGANDA SHIT.......A deliberate attempt to make Cypriots leave their homes and country was exercised by Greeks......We are back to claim our country and our rights...You will not win on this issue...Be sure of that!!!!

You blithering idiot , how the HTF can you claim back YOUR country , you have told us on more than one occasion that your country is Turkey , what on earth are you on about stupid !!
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Postby wallace » Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:04 pm

His father was a plonker too because he couldn't feed them :D:D:D:D So the stupid plonker thinks that he can claim Cyprus now. The only thing I still don't get is the rights part ;-) He's got rights now in the UK. Why is he so worried about Cyprus? Move on to Turkey=fascist state and claim your rights there ZANNIE boy :D:D:D:D
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:34 pm

Zan is from the TRNC and has just as much rights as anyone else, viva la TRNC.
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Postby zan » Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:57 pm

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
zan wrote:My father could not feed six children you piece of shit, because of the siege that Makarios had on us....

Is this what the CyProb wraps up to? A "siege by Makarios"?

When a couple of thousand of your people saw fit to join the British and support colonialism, was that a "siege by Makarios"?

When 200-300 of your people saw fit to form TMT and smuggled weapons in from Turkey via Kokkina to rebel even further, and killed peaceful TCs for not rebelling against the GCs, was that a "siege by Makarios"?

When your people planted a bomb on TC property to vindicate GCs and exacerbated the conflict, was that a "siege by Makarios"?

When you waste your time digesting ATCA junk is that a "siege by Makarios"?

It's more like a siege of your feeble mind...

I know what my family lived through mate and it was the attack of Greeks on TCs for not supporting ENOSIS and the Megali idea. The Akritas plan is clear on what it wanted to achieve and it got what it wanted by hook or by crook and the mass exodus of TCs was on objective. The others would have been dealt with appropriately when the time came...The all encompassing plan . We had the TMT to stop you and the murder of our people.....The list of things that were stopped by Makarios has been posted many times...Means of building new villages and means of surviving was refused us.

Freedom from foreign rulers was the right of the Cypriot people. How was it fine for you for Cyprus to be under Ottoman, or British rule against the will of the native Cypriot people, but not fine to be part of a free independent Greek state, along with the rest Greek islands and territories, which is what the vast majority of Cypriots wanted??

The Cypriot people were fighting for their freedom and the Turks are the ones who attacked us in order to kill and prevent Cyprus from being free.

Here is the first time they did it:

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

And here is the second time, when they attacked us while we were fighting against the British colonialists (not against them):

Our only "crime" was our desire for freedom. We never attacked the Turks, we only defended ourselves when they attacked as and started wars and conflicts against us, and the only thing we ever fought for was our right to rule our own island in a democratic way.
I just want to show people what Piratis is hung up on AGAIN..... :lol: :lol: First it was his numbers and now a SNIP of film that really does not explain anything......ENOSIS was there long before this piece of film Piratis and so was conflict so stop your crap or I will have to wipe the floor with you again......This not the first bit of violence that happened over ENOSIS and you know it... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:59 pm

Piratis wrote:
zan wrote:
utu wrote:
zan wrote:
utu wrote:Those settlers do need to be repatriated back to Turkey in a final settlement - at least those with no Cypriot family ties. The Ankara government brought them over illegally, so they have the moral resonsibility to repatriate and compensate them.

Do you think that the "RoC" should then give all voting rights back to the displaced TCs all over the world utu.......From the 1963 period on???? And should we also review all settlers from their side as well from the same period on..... :?:


The Turkish settlers were brought in purely as a political tactic. It was also an illegal move, as defined by the United Nations. Those settlers without Cypriot roots (such as family) really have no legal right to be there. Compensated repatriation needs to be done. As for the Turkish Cypriot diaspora, they should be encouraged to Cyprus.
As far as Greek 'settlers' go, well... since the RoCy is the recognized government in Cyprus, if they bring 'em in, then it is - in the eyes of the law - lawful immigration. It sounds sad and unfair, but since the internation rejection of the 1983 UDI of the north, your side is technically speaking an outlaw juristiction.

So forcing me and my family out of Cyprus to change the demography of Cyprus was legal? We should also forget about the moral side of the Cyprob in these talks also????..The Cyprob has been in and out of courts for 40 years plus....and nothing.......

Again Zan is full of shit.

There was no kind of demographic change during the inter-communal conflict:

According to the censuses which took place in Cyprus before the factual partition of the island, the Greek Cypriot community amounted to 447,901 (78,2%) in 1960, and to 498,511 (78,9%) in 19734. The Turkish Cypriot community numbered 103,822 (18,1%) people in 1960, and 116 000 (18,4%) in 1973. The total population of Cyprus was 572,707 in 1960 and 631,778 in 1973 (see Appendix 3, Table 1). An average rate of annual growth for both communities between 1960 and 1973 was similar and amounted to 0,8%. In consequence, the ethnic distribution of the population did not change between 1960 and 1974 and the proportion of each community remained stable. ... OC9799.htm

The poverty in Cyprus and the conflict had affected both communities, and people from both communities emigrated abroad. In fact there are far more Greek Cypriots abroad than Turkish Cypriots.

I am sure that there are many GCs abroad that wanted nothing to do with your murderous regime Piratis..What does that prove :roll: :roll: :roll: The GCs had the economy in their hands and whilst starving out the TCS screwed the GCs as well.....Then you try to blame us for that as well...Pathetic.... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby zan » Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:02 pm

miltiades wrote:
zan wrote:
humanist wrote:no one forced Zan and his family out of cyprus they chose to leave
utu has made a very claer and corrext point.

My father could not feed six children you piece of shit, because of the siege that Makarios had on us....You keep talking crap mate and you can kiss goodbye to 37% of Cyprus...WE WILL NOT LISTEN TO ANY MORE OF YOUR PROPAGANDA SHIT.......A deliberate attempt to make Cypriots leave their homes and country was exercised by Greeks......We are back to claim our country and our rights...You will not win on this issue...Be sure of that!!!!

You blithering idiot , how the HTF can you claim back YOUR country , you have told us on more than one occasion that your country is Turkey , what on earth are you on about stupid !!

You are the blithering idiot...First time I have used tthat one...Nice :lol: :lol: :lol:

I have done nothing of the sort..I said Turkey is our mother country just like Greece is yours..No matter how you try to put a spin on that is the way it is..... :roll: :roll: :roll:

How am I going to claim my island of Cyprus...I am doing it here and now and there is nothing you can do about it.....Who the hell do you think you are telling me what I can and can't do...Grivas?????? :evil:
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Postby zan » Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:03 pm

wallace wrote:His father was a plonker too because he couldn't feed them :D:D:D:D So the stupid plonker thinks that he can claim Cyprus now. The only thing I still don't get is the rights part ;-) He's got rights now in the UK. Why is he so worried about Cyprus? Move on to Turkey=fascist state and claim your rights there ZANNIE boy :D:D:D:D

You will know soon my friend...Then start your crying.... :lol: :lol:
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