utu wrote:zan wrote:utu wrote:Those settlers do need to be repatriated back to Turkey in a final settlement - at least those with no Cypriot family ties. The Ankara government brought them over illegally, so they have the moral resonsibility to repatriate and compensate them.
Do you think that the "RoC" should then give all voting rights back to the displaced TCs all over the world utu.......From the 1963 period on???? And should we also review all settlers from their side as well from the same period on.....

The Turkish settlers were brought in purely as a political tactic. It was also an illegal move, as defined by the United Nations. Those settlers without Cypriot roots (such as family) really have no legal right to be there. Compensated repatriation needs to be done. As for the Turkish Cypriot diaspora, they should be encouraged to Cyprus.
As far as Greek 'settlers' go, well... since the RoCy is the recognized government in Cyprus, if they bring 'em in, then it is - in the eyes of the law - lawful immigration. It sounds sad and unfair, but since the internation rejection of the 1983 UDI of the north, your side is technically speaking an outlaw juristiction.
A wise and a sensible man that relies on International law for his interpretation of evens contrary to Zan who relies on Propaganda sites and instructions from the Grey Wolves HQ .The very fact that in the eyes of International law there is but one government in Cyprus , the RoC whose sovereignty as determined by International legalities extends all over Cyprus , in view of the fact that a part of Cyprus is under Turkish occupation total sovereignty is extended only through the free part of Cyprus.Zan and the rest of the divisionists must wake up and face realities , such realities are staring them in the face . The "trnc" , a creation of the occupying forces has neither legality nor recognition even by one single nation on earth . It has no currency , no passports , can not take a seat at the UN or at any other International forum , it produces absolutely nothing that it can legally export either to Europe or the rest of the world and yet the Grey Wolf mentality is demanding that the T/Cs refuse to recognise their own country , the RoC .
On this forum alone we have heard from more 7 T/Cs that they consider the entire island of Cyprus to be their nation , unlike VP who considers the free part of Cyprus as a foreign country . It is diabolical nonsense and I'm pleased that we have amongst us Cypriots from both sides who are prepared to stand up and be counted , not submit to propaganda.
I have challenged , and all on this forum know it , the extremists from either side .
I consider it a duty to our future generations of Cypriots to stand up for them and consider their future which must be fear free , democratic and Pancyprian rather than Greek or Turkish.
Let us be like the Maltese , the Italians , the French , and the people of every other nation it seems apart from Cyprus , that we are the people of this island , the Cypriots.