denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:15 pm
Joined: 11 Feb 2008
Posts: 7817
Location: One step ahead of the Turks!
Please Sir! .... Mr DT. .... May I be excused?
I don't want to play!
.... I'll vote for someone though.
Oracle or Mr President, did you post the above. Was that to mislead forumers. Prior to that you offered your votes to two others. Honestly Oracle, cant you stick to your guns like I do.?
Your point being?
I declined, but my offer was refused by DT.
Not being a party pooper I then passively participated.
I trusted you.

I have learnt my lesson. As they say,'Beware of Gree.......... oh never mind.

Did we enter into some kind of pact or deal which I was not aware of? (Happens all the time

How did I let your trust down if I was not dealing with you?

I thought the powers to be (DT and GR) would not dare refuse your wish.
Then you let
yourself down by presuming ....

At least I will stick to my guns.................
Deniz what are these guns you are sticking to ? They are firing at the wrong time and in the wrong place! Please have them serviced!
Now stop this inane inordinately long whine about nothing but sour grapes and resume normality (or as close as possible) immediately.