Viewpoint wrote:Did Deniz pick his running partner?
VP, my only running partner is my new Cocker Spaniel Boris.

Viewpoint wrote:Did Deniz pick his running partner?
Get Real! wrote:As far as I’m concerned Deniz has requested departure from this election enough times so his wish is hereby granted.
Needless to say that we thank Deniz for his time and input and remind that there's no need for his decision to turn into another needless melodrama on the forum.
The election continues with the second placed candidate attaining the presidency and so forth.
So let it be done.
bill cobbett wrote:Viewpoint wrote:bill cobbett wrote:miltiades wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Do we know that any GCs voted for deniz? all his votes maybe from TCs.
I did and I'm sure others did too.
Little old me voted for Deniz as well!
Are you a Brit Bill?
Hi VP. I'm a Brit of 100% CY ancestry, with roots in two villages of the Occupied North and married to a CY lady of similar descent, so I would understand it if you might accuse me of being very sympathetic to the RoC cause in matters outside this election because you would be right.
Honestly VP, leaving aside community allegiances for once, I felt D was the right person for the job (as did many others), I didn't much care whether he/she was gc, tc, settler, mainland turk etc etc so after some soul-searching I voted for the candidate and not some ethnic group. This happens in democracies where voters look beyond someone's colour, ethnicity, sex etc.
(I understand D doesn't want the job anyway and I must respect his personal choice)
denizaksulu wrote:This guy isnt dead yet, but I must thank BillC and Milti for their votes. I believe in your good intentions and only feel sorry for your wasted votes. Needless to say this goes to all others who deemed me as the right person for this task.(though I disagree)
My own opinion is that Admin are doing a great job of looking after this forum, so I see no point in having another 'pseudo-Admin'.
Thanks again.
bill cobbett wrote:Viewpoint wrote:bill cobbett wrote:miltiades wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Do we know that any GCs voted for deniz? all his votes maybe from TCs.
I did and I'm sure others did too.
Little old me voted for Deniz as well!
Are you a Brit Bill?
Hi VP. I'm a Brit of 100% CY ancestry, with roots in two villages of the Occupied North and married to a CY lady of similar descent, so I would understand it if you might accuse me of being very sympathetic to the RoC cause in matters outside this election because you would be right.
Honestly VP, leaving aside community allegiances for once, I felt D was the right person for the job (as did many others), I didn't much care whether he/she was gc, tc, settler, mainland turk etc etc so after some soul-searching I voted for the candidate and not some ethnic group. This happens in democracies where voters look beyond someone's colour, ethnicity, sex etc.
(I understand D doesn't want the job anyway and I must respect his personal choice)
miltiades wrote:I was born and raised in Cyprus , a G/C who considers all Cypriots to be equal and to be my compatriots.
Left Cyprus at the age of 15 , but as they say you can take the boy out of Cyprus but you cant take Cyprus out of the boy !!
I dream for the day that Cypriots will wake up and be proud to be Cypriots and no longer intoxicated by the two foreign nations that have mentally raped us.
Yes I'm a Greek Cypriot , and Yes I do call my T/C compatriots my people because what unites us is CYPRUS what divides us IS TURKEY AND GREECE .
Get Real! wrote:Everyone please note…
The sole intended purpose of OCDC and that of its President, is to establish a “protocol” of interaction in the Cyprus Problem debates, or a much needed “code of ethics” if you like and has NOTHING to do with running this or any other forum.
The only “punishment” that OCDC can possibly impose is an entry in a virtual log book called a “shame file” in which “credibility” points are deducted or awarded according to members’ posts and that’s as far as it goes.
Therefore, could everyone please kindly refrain from making calls or references to “admin” and similar, as such alarming behavior is totally unnecessary. Thanks.
Regards, GR.
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