Chapter 1
Let me tell you a story VP...
There are these two guys that have seen that the forum they write on has been taken over by a new morality that is working against them. Out of desperation, they go out one night and brainstorm about what to do about it. After many hours and probably some assistance they hatch a plan. The plan is to have a poll in which a president and a vice president are selected. It doesn't matter if which is which but one MUST be a TC and the other a GC. It also doesn't matter if the TC is a moderate or, as they see it anyway, a nationalist. Once the elections are over and they have everyones attention then the fireworks will start.....At first it will be a few sparks and bangs but mark my words when the final starts the whole sky will light up.
The plan is to start bombarding the unsuspecting TC with UN resolutions that have already been issued. As we already know, the UN screwed us good when they recognised the Greek Cypriots as the legal government of Cyprus contrary to the Zurich agreement. From that point on they have passed resolution after resolution on this one mistake because they have had no choice. So these two dastardly rascals knowing that think they will tie us in knots with UN resolutions. If.......If it all falls apart because the TC candidate goes against these resolutions then they still have a plan for that because it will justify their call of a BBF not being workable or any other government with our involvement for that matter....If the C candidate pulls out of office then I need not remind you what reference hey will pull out of their hats to use against us and so on and so on................................
Having drawn up the AKRITAS plan mark 2...They then set to drinking proper.....Some womanising was done and a pair of drunk yobs were released out onto the street where they made such fools of themselves that they caught the attention of the police.......Being drunk and in the grip of dutch courage...They thought they would charm the police to let them go......It was not until the pair made reference to whom they were in acquaintance with that the police realised that they had no choice but to let them go and maybe even gave them a lift home.
The following day the farce of elections on the Forum began....Unfortunately the two men got carried away with themselves and their self importance and decided to have some fun with the plan instead of carrying on with it as to plan......We now have a has been female Greek mainlander who they are trying to bring back to the fore.........And a TC that one of them has a grudge against.......The plan is lost but they don't know it...
The beginning!!!!!!
Chapter 2
GR goes over board with the votes and gives us no doubt that then votes are rigged. Who the hell would give Oracle that many votes.....Oracle? Bambolina? Pheonix? Britannia? GR? The Grim Reaper? Magnus?????????One man one vote........Not so....One man, many votes.
He then shoots another toe by asking doubters to have another poll to give this poll the vote of confidence.....Who will vote on that poll.....Oracle, Bambolina.................ect etc etc!!
Mean while back at the farm....Deniz waits patiently to resign his post and put an end to this farce. Little does he know (or does he) that is what this two scheming pair are waiting for......Oracle will take his place and hold the rest of us hostage for a very long time...Little does she know (or does she) that she will be ousted within days and made to look the scapegoat for the takeover. Like Sampson, she will have her power taken away on a visit to the hairdressers. Her name will be used as the reason it all went wrong and the real perpetrators will rein supreme with those little halos attached to their coats by their loving mothers along side their names tags.
Chapter 3
(40 years on) A hero arrives...................
to be continued