DT. wrote:zan wrote:DT. wrote:zan wrote:DT. wrote:zan wrote:DT. wrote:zan wrote:humanist wrote:its like us tim, our village has always been tc village. i don't loose sleep either! unlike some!
you are still supporting a regoime built on violation of human rights. how would you like it if this was happenning in your land?
You cry over land when TCs were killed to get you your government.....What an arsehole!!!

Back into your hole Zan! You've killed and pillaged your way into the northern part of our island. The deaths of GC's are still being celebrated on their own homes and you have the audacity to speak!

The moment that you can tell the world and your children the truth then all this will have a better chance of stopping.....You hold onto my Cyprus with bloody hands and point at us with it still dripping from your finger and use words like audacity.......Shame on you!!!

Count the dead Zan! Count the dead from Tc hands, from gc hands and from Turkish hands. Count the Dead you Hypocrite. When you're done counting you can go with your mates in my house in Morphou and celebrate that you and your pirate army killed more of us.
Shame on you!

See you have adopted Piratis' lame game......What you are holding and what we are holding is the key my friend.....Besides the fact that e are not the ones disputing numbers but you....You won't even accept the possibility that 2000 GCs were killed by the coupists and many more to come.....You took our dead and those buried in mass graves and told the world that the Turks had done it.....And you have the cheek to call me a hypocrite.....The Turks came in time of war...You were killing civilians.....You do yourselves no favours by lying...Even the most moderate can see through you and turns against you....

Show me you liar how many TC's were killed in 74 before the invasion. Go on show me how the Turks came in the nick of time while we were killing you.
Prove it now! Cause my evidence is coming and you better be holding something other than your circumcised buddy in your hand when it comes
Thats not what I said.......I meant in 1963/67......

So the new spill is that the Turks came because of their concern for the Greeks?
The Turks came in time of war...You were killing civilians...
For gods sake

Killing civilian TCs 1963/67........

You8 are the one going on about how many were killed and not when and how....

The Turks came because we knew when the coupists finished with the 10,000 Makarios supporters they would start on us.....Plus of course to protect her interests in Cyprus...Why lie about that....