I don't think that the subtitle/motto of the Cyprus Problem sub-forum is being heeded. Rather than civilized debate, there is accusation and counter-accusation, threats, propaganda, and - not to put a fine point on it - obstinate pig-headedness on both sides of the debate. The fold on this forum are supposed to be debating solutions that (a) restore the Cypriot state as a cohesive entity, (b) ensure that human rights and justice prevails, and (c) ensure that the problems that caused the current status quo do not recur.
I know that people say that in the 21st century, people don't go around killing each other any more, but we all know that given the right conditions, violence can easilly start. In fact, the more bitter the animosity, the better. So the animosity and historical emnity between Greek and Turk can be said to guarantee that no 'equitable solution' can occur, thus leaving an all-or-nothing option, resulting in violence with a thin facade of justification...
Personally, I think that this thread will dissolve into the same name-calling, accuastions, and twisted logic statements that have dominated all the other threads, but maybe - this time - I could be proved wrong. Let's have a sober set of postings on options...