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Israel being compared to Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby miltiades » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:11 pm

When I first highlighted what these savages are doing in the M.East , I encountered , I said earlier , attacks from the "Arabophilous" , Cem will also . The fact is , the avearge Cypriot hates Israel and more so the USA , then comes Turkey , Britain and in general the West.
So refreshing to know that there are Cypriots whose perception of Israel and the West is not infected by the dreaded decease of "americanodaxtilosis " for which the only cure is a fully paid holiday in Afghanistan aiding the Taliban in their holy crusade against the West.
Perhaps a spell in Gaza in the company of Hamas braves might also be beneficial , if this doesn't work then go for the kill , a suicide mission guaranteed to knock the stuffing out the......deceased !!!
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Postby zan » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:49 pm

miltiades wrote:When I first highlighted what these savages are doing in the M.East , I encountered , I said earlier , attacks from the "Arabophilous" , Cem will also . The fact is , the avearge Cypriot hates Israel and more so the USA , then comes Turkey , Britain and in general the West.
So refreshing to know that there are Cypriots whose perception of Israel and the West is not infected by the dreaded decease of "americanodaxtilosis " for which the only cure is a fully paid holiday in Afghanistan aiding the Taliban in their holy crusade against the West.
Perhaps a spell in Gaza in the company of Hamas braves might also be beneficial , if this doesn't work then go for the kill , a suicide mission guaranteed to knock the stuffing out the......deceased !!!

This guy is slowly building a raft for himself from driftwood whilst floating in a sea of red wine....Shalom in deed!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:51 am

We have had enough theocracy. Religion and politics do not mix, not in Israel nor anywhere else.

The wall is not on Israeli soil, most of it is built on Palestinian land. You pro Israelites should spend a day with Palestinians going from one village to the other, and see how a journey that should take 20 minutes takes four hours or more and as much again on the return trip because of the check points. See how Arab ambulances are forced to wait at check points, and see how Israeli settlers whiz past in their flash SUVs.

Being technically and culturally advanced to win Nobels does not prevent you behaving like as asshole, just check on Germany in the 30s to corroborate this fact. At the moment Israel is behaving like an asshole with the Palestinians, expropriating their land, installing settlers while talking of building a Palestinian state. On what land will this state be set up? And this much has been condemned by Israeli politicians and citizens movements, so it is not a question of pro Israel or antisemitism. Get off that old hobby horse.
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Postby Cem » Sat Sep 20, 2008 7:22 am

Nikitas wrote:We have had enough theocracy. Religion and politics do not mix, not in Israel nor anywhere else.

The wall is not on Israeli soil, most of it is built on Palestinian land. You pro Israelites should spend a day with Palestinians going from one village to the other, and see how a journey that should take 20 minutes takes four hours or more and as much again on the return trip because of the check points. See how Arab ambulances are forced to wait at check points, and see how Israeli settlers whiz past in their flash SUVs.

Being technically and culturally advanced to win Nobels does not prevent you behaving like as asshole, just check on Germany in the 30s to corroborate this fact. At the moment Israel is behaving like an asshole with the Palestinians, expropriating their land, installing settlers while talking of building a Palestinian state. On what land will this state be set up? And this much has been condemned by Israeli politicians and citizens movements, so it is not a question of pro Israel or antisemitism. Get off that old hobby horse.

But here in Cyprus, also to a less extent in Greece, religion and politics do mix, my dear Nikitas !

Like for example, your Beautitude who pokes his prissy nose in state affairs everytime and he finally ends up with a well-deserved "f...k off" remark from comrade Christophias, n'est ce pas, mon cher ??

Rarely a day passes without the medieval Christian Orthodox priests are not in the frontline either here or in Greece and dictating to the governments what to do or not in the "worldly" affairs.

As for Turkey, there is but one culprit behind her backwardness and ultra-nationalism: Islam. And one day, she will pay a heavy price for leaving the path to secularism.

Israel may or may not be behaving like an asshole towards Palestinians.
We saw in the past, how GCs behaved toward the minority TCs as well.
On the other hand, have you ever wondered how their fellow Arabs have been behaving towards Palestinians ? Like Egyptians, who on many occasions, slammed their doors shut to their faces and their fellow Jordanians who mass-murdered them over the assasination of their monarch.

Not mention, the filthy oil rich sheikdoms pampered by their easy-won multimillion dollars without giving any damn about the fate of their fellow Palestinians.

Ever wondered why Palestinians are denied citizenships in the fellow Arab countries.?

At least, in Knesset the Arabs are politically least some voices are heard there against the policies of their government..Try to find how they treat the opposition in your beloved Palestine, recall Hamas-PLO conflict..

The GCs have put up a resistance against Turkey's involvement here thanks to some clever thinking on their behalf, like by joining EU and thus making thereof the CyProb an EU issue, not by blowing up turkish buses and beheading people definitely not by resorting to terrorism and targeting innocent civilians.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:06 am

Nikitas wrote:We have had enough theocracy. Religion and politics do not mix, not in Israel nor anywhere else.

The wall is not on Israeli soil, most of it is built on Palestinian land. You pro Israelites should spend a day with Palestinians going from one village to the other, and see how a journey that should take 20 minutes takes four hours or more and as much again on the return trip because of the check points. See how Arab ambulances are forced to wait at check points, and see how Israeli settlers whiz past in their flash SUVs.

Being technically and culturally advanced to win Nobels does not prevent you behaving like as asshole, just check on Germany in the 30s to corroborate this fact. At the moment Israel is behaving like an asshole with the Palestinians, expropriating their land, installing settlers while talking of building a Palestinian state. On what land will this state be set up? And this much has been condemned by Israeli politicians and citizens movements, so it is not a question of pro Israel or antisemitism. Get off that old hobby horse.

Nikitas wasnt the wall build in order to make it difficult for the suicide bombers entering Israel and , as customary for these " freedom" fighters , blow themselves up in public places , in restaurants and wedding events killing as many innocent bystanders as possible.
When was the last time that such an atrocity took place ? Long ago because the wall is inhibiting them from entering Israel.
I'm not a lover of Israel any more than I'm a lover of Australia , New Zealand or indeed any EU nation , but I do severely condemn those that driven by ignorance and a blind faith in a non existent god commit such indiscriminate barbaric acts against men women and children . How on earth can anyone justify a savage blowing him self up on a bloody bus for crying out loud .
As for the rest of the Arab world , well what a bunch of selfish illiterates who have consistently failed to help their own kith and kin.
In Ethiopia right this minute USA aircraft are flying in food and supplies to the starving war victims , mostly Muslims , and I ask my self where are the Arabs to help , but they are helping ...they are providing free copies of the Koran so that these impoverished poor and mostly illiterate souls can at least be close to their god.
CEM , posted a very wise comparison where the G/Cs instead of adopting Palestinian methods against Turkey they have pushed forward and advanced in the field of finance , commerce and political maturity , joining the EU having firstly accomplished implementation of the stringent conditions of membership .
Now we the G/Cs have an opportunity to reach out to the CEMs , Ahmets , VURYEKs and all moderate Cyprus loving T/Cs and together we can accomplish the ultimate. We have an opportunity to rid ourselves of preconceived and biased ideas , an opportunity to embrace our nation , our own destiny as a member of the most successful ever in the history of the world union of nations and create an environment that the future generations of Cypriots will be proud of , a generation that unlike some extremists of today , will look ahead to brighter and more socially just and civilized society. Get rid of the hatred in your heart ZAN let go of EOKA let go of ENOSIS , join the Cypriots , embrace CYPRUS as your motherland , right here is the NEW MODERN WORLD you have been dreaming of , a world where freedom of speech , faith , travel and justice for all is prevalent.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:53 am


Spare the forum from your Zionist propaganda, the source of which you forgot to quote, and now you’ve got shallow idiots like Miltiades thinking that your “speech” was really cool… 24 carat gold even!

…24 carat rubbish is a better description. :lol:

Shalom Cem!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:59 am

Medman wrote:Shalom to everyone. I bet you all wish you had the Jews political influence over the world....

Here's one such fine Zionist performance at the Human Rights Council... ... ct=3698367

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Postby pantheman » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:11 am

Get Real! wrote:Cem,

Spare the forum from your Zionist propaganda, the source of which you forgot to quote, and now you’ve got shallow idiots like Miltiades thinking that your “speech” was really cool… 24 carat gold even!

…24 carat rubbish is a better description. :lol:

Shalom Cem!

Cem, you've been busted!


Way to go GR
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:13 am

Get Real! wrote:Cem,

Spare the forum from your Zionist propaganda, the source of which you forgot to quote, and now you’ve got shallow idiots like Miltiades thinking that your “speech” was really cool… 24 carat gold even!

…24 carat rubbish is a better description. :lol:

Shalom Cem!

There is but one utter idiot on this forum , well there are a few more , but the one that sticks out like a sore prick is none other that General Rambo .
Judging by his previous posts he is in favour of methods used by Hamas adopted in Cyprus against the Turkish army , none other than SUICIDE BOMBERS , he has volunteered to be the first one !!
Arseholes like you mate should be careful with insults you know bloody well I will respond as I'm doing now , but please , this time , do spare me the shit about the GR treatment , told you before you are firing blanks just as the other Rambo from down under !!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:31 am

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Cem,

Spare the forum from your Zionist propaganda, the source of which you forgot to quote, and now you’ve got shallow idiots like Miltiades thinking that your “speech” was really cool… 24 carat gold even!

…24 carat rubbish is a better description. :lol:

Shalom Cem!

There is but one utter idiot on this forum , well there are a few more , but the one that sticks out like a sore prick is none other that General Rambo .
Judging by his previous posts he is in favour of methods used by Hamas adopted in Cyprus against the Turkish army , none other than SUICIDE BOMBERS , he has volunteered to be the first one !!
Arseholes like you mate should be careful with insults you know bloody well I will respond as I'm doing now , but please , this time , do spare me the shit about the GR treatment , told you before you are firing blanks just as the other Rambo from down under !!

So how many carats do you think this little speech is worth? Or should that be carrots? :lol:
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