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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby DT. » Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:36 am

mehmet wrote:Miltiades, I don't want to get involved between you and Zan although it's not pleasant to see the exchanges between yourselves. But I have to say that my instinct (for what it's worth) tells me that Zan is not an extremist.

He's more of a paranoid conservative if I had to call him something.

P.S other than the father of Britania's illegitimate child. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:54 am

Mehmet , I have challenged anyone whose agenda is the continuation of mistrust , division of our people becoming permanent and poisoning the minds of those that are around them that our two peoples can not live in peace with each other as they did in the past. I have dismissed the issue of majorities and minorities , I have challenged , and still do , those that incite hatred and continue down the road towards a permanent division or annexation of a part of our Cyprus , because such developments will eventually take us into conflict.
Zan is one such individual. Look at his signature , look at what he says , his persistent and highly controversial defence of the present situation , his commitment to what he once called the new world , Turkey , his disloyalty to the nation of Cyprus .That is why I call him an extremist , strangely enough he gets on well with all of the G/C extremists on this forum .
I do want to say Mehmet that I respect your stance on this matter between I and Zan.
I would like to stress that challenging extremists on both sides has been my "trademark" from day one , no one can accuse me of not being consistent or one sided , I will challenge ALL extremists regardless if all are T/Cs or ALL are G/Cs. I consider ALL CYPRIOTS as my people and I have a perfect right to stand my ground and expose those that I consider to be damaging the prospects of a peaceful solution.
He has run out of ideas as to how he can discredit me , he tried and failed miserably , now he is attacking my "Chinese knives " he is attacking the products that my company sells !!! There is a Cypriot saying that says " POU DEN MPORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA. Translates into : If you cant beat the donkey beat the saddle !! I have a family in Cyprus , the youngest 6 months old , I owe it to him to strive for a better future on his behalf , a future where fear and insecurity will only be found in books , a future where the little ones coming up will be free of conflict and selfish nationalistic nonsense. A bright future for all Cypriots .
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:56 am

DT. wrote:
mehmet wrote:Miltiades, I don't want to get involved between you and Zan although it's not pleasant to see the exchanges between yourselves. But I have to say that my instinct (for what it's worth) tells me that Zan is not an extremist.

He's more of a paranoid conservative if I had to call him something.

P.S other than the father of Britania's illegitimate child. :lol:

Dirty sod !! Hope he marries the girl now .
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:28 pm

miltiades wrote:
DT. wrote:
mehmet wrote:Miltiades, I don't want to get involved between you and Zan although it's not pleasant to see the exchanges between yourselves. But I have to say that my instinct (for what it's worth) tells me that Zan is not an extremist.

He's more of a paranoid conservative if I had to call him something.

P.S other than the father of Britania's illegitimate child. :lol:

Dirty sod !! Hope he marries the girl now .

Will that be number three then? :lol:

You two should kiss and make up. :roll:
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Postby zan » Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:21 pm

mehmet wrote:Nationalists are in both communities seeking to define themselves and by definition others. They have successfully crippled Cyprus by dividing us. Let us fight against them with all means necessary. Tpap and Denktas are not in power, their outlook is becoming dated. The future still needs to be defined. So what's it to be? Two states that are in denial of history or one where we work daily to reverse the damage that has been done by this ideology? You menitoned South Africa, didn't they have a big drive towards Peace and Reconciliation. Well, is it time to be reconciled with history and move forward or not?

I will answer this and your post after this here mehmet if thats ok.

Tpap has gone nowhere. He is still pulling the strings. I have no doubt in my mind about that. You obviously think different and I respect that.

I accept the idea of working together to form a single entity working together but the reality is something quite different and far from being anywhere near where we are today. As I have said a long time ago, when I see an honest trend in that direction, it will have my full support. I am done with dreaming and practicality is what is going to win the day. Nothing to do with nationalism or hate but practicality. So...It is not a matter of either or but of choosing what is best given the conditions.

Besides...have you seen what is now happening in SA???? The story of that country is not as it seems either...I have been there in the last three years and have seen the Millions....Yes...Millions of blacks that are still living in appalling conditions. They are the secret and slow failure of SA. I don't want that for my people.
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Postby zan » Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:27 pm

miltiades wrote:Mehmet , I have challenged anyone whose agenda is the continuation of mistrust , division of our people becoming permanent and poisoning the minds of those that are around them that our two peoples can not live in peace with each other as they did in the past. I have dismissed the issue of majorities and minorities , I have challenged , and still do , those that incite hatred and continue down the road towards a permanent division or annexation of a part of our Cyprus , because such developments will eventually take us into conflict.
Zan is one such individual. Look at his signature , look at what he says , his persistent and highly controversial defence of the present situation , his commitment to what he once called the new world , Turkey , his disloyalty to the nation of Cyprus .That is why I call him an extremist , strangely enough he gets on well with all of the G/C extremists on this forum .
I do want to say Mehmet that I respect your stance on this matter between I and Zan.
I would like to stress that challenging extremists on both sides has been my "trademark" from day one , no one can accuse me of not being consistent or one sided , I will challenge ALL extremists regardless if all are T/Cs or ALL are G/Cs. I consider ALL CYPRIOTS as my people and I have a perfect right to stand my ground and expose those that I consider to be damaging the prospects of a peaceful solution.
He has run out of ideas as to how he can discredit me , he tried and failed miserably , now he is attacking my "Chinese knives " he is attacking the products that my company sells !!! There is a Cypriot saying that says " POU DEN MPORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA. Translates into : If you cant beat the donkey beat the saddle !! I have a family in Cyprus , the youngest 6 months old , I owe it to him to strive for a better future on his behalf , a future where fear and insecurity will only be found in books , a future where the little ones coming up will be free of conflict and selfish nationalistic nonsense. A bright future for all Cypriots .


I can't bring myself to sell rubbish to an unsuspecting public. You can. Shows us more about who you are...That is all the connection there is....One type of person I hate more than politicians is a salesman. A salesman not prepared to fill a skip up with the rubbish he made a mistake and bought because it will not balance the books is about the worst.... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:44 pm

miltiades wrote:
mehmet wrote:Nationalists are in both communities seeking to define themselves and by definition others. They have successfully crippled Cyprus by dividing us. Let us fight against them with all means necessary. Tpap and Denktas are not in power, their outlook is becoming dated. The future still needs to be defined. So what's it to be? Two states that are in denial of history or one where we work daily to reverse the damage that has been done by this ideology? You mentioned South Africa, didn't they have a big drive towards Peace and Reconciliation. Well, is it time to be reconciled with history and move forward or not?

Mehmet , I have always admired your wisdom and I support fully your sentiments. We can not allow the extremists to continue on their journey of causing more damage to our people. The past must be put behind , as indeed the great man advised in South Africa. Mandela had every conceivable excuse to turn violent against those that persecuted him and his people.
We have all suffered in the hands of the extremists. Zan IS an extremist , the opposite to GR , Paphitis is an extremist the opposite to BigAll , they are everywhere , we must challenge them in the name of all peace loving CYPRIOTS.

May I just say that Miltiades definition of extremism is very basic and flawed. Those of us who challenge his simple view of the world are potentially labeled by the master himself, as either Plonkers or Extremists.

What is worse is how Miltiades character assassinates 2 of his countrymen (GR and myself), purely to gain favor with TCs. TCs should not be blind to his deception and web of lies. He basis his arguments when defaming his countrymen on issues that he clearly has no comprehension of or does not understand their aim.

He is 62 years old, but has the mental capacity of a 17 year old. He is not to be taken seriously.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:48 pm

miltiades wrote:Mehmet , I have challenged anyone whose agenda is the continuation of mistrust , division of our people becoming permanent and poisoning the minds of those that are around them that our two peoples can not live in peace with each other as they did in the past. I have dismissed the issue of majorities and minorities , I have challenged , and still do , those that incite hatred and continue down the road towards a permanent division or annexation of a part of our Cyprus , because such developments will eventually take us into conflict.
Zan is one such individual. Look at his signature , look at what he says , his persistent and highly controversial defence of the present situation , his commitment to what he once called the new world , Turkey , his disloyalty to the nation of Cyprus .That is why I call him an extremist , strangely enough he gets on well with all of the G/C extremists on this forum .
I do want to say Mehmet that I respect your stance on this matter between I and Zan.
I would like to stress that challenging extremists on both sides has been my "trademark" from day one , no one can accuse me of not being consistent or one sided , I will challenge ALL extremists regardless if all are T/Cs or ALL are G/Cs. I consider ALL CYPRIOTS as my people and I have a perfect right to stand my ground and expose those that I consider to be damaging the prospects of a peaceful solution.
He has run out of ideas as to how he can discredit me , he tried and failed miserably , now he is attacking my "Chinese knives " he is attacking the products that my company sells !!! There is a Cypriot saying that says " POU DEN MPORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA. Translates into : If you cant beat the donkey beat the saddle !! I have a family in Cyprus , the youngest 6 months old , I owe it to him to strive for a better future on his behalf , a future where fear and insecurity will only be found in books , a future where the little ones coming up will be free of conflict and selfish nationalistic nonsense. A bright future for all Cypriots .

Another poor attempt at gaining favor with TCs. :roll:

The man has no shame!
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:43 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
mehmet wrote:Nationalists are in both communities seeking to define themselves and by definition others. They have successfully crippled Cyprus by dividing us. Let us fight against them with all means necessary. Tpap and Denktas are not in power, their outlook is becoming dated. The future still needs to be defined. So what's it to be? Two states that are in denial of history or one where we work daily to reverse the damage that has been done by this ideology? You mentioned South Africa, didn't they have a big drive towards Peace and Reconciliation. Well, is it time to be reconciled with history and move forward or not?

Mehmet , I have always admired your wisdom and I support fully your sentiments. We can not allow the extremists to continue on their journey of causing more damage to our people. The past must be put behind , as indeed the great man advised in South Africa. Mandela had every conceivable excuse to turn violent against those that persecuted him and his people.
We have all suffered in the hands of the extremists. Zan IS an extremist , the opposite to GR , Paphitis is an extremist the opposite to BigAll , they are everywhere , we must challenge them in the name of all peace loving CYPRIOTS.

May I just say that Miltiades definition of extremism is very basic and flawed. Those of us who challenge his simple view of the world are potentially labeled by the master himself, as either Plonkers or Extremists.

What is worse is how Miltiades character assassinates 2 of his countrymen (GR and myself), purely to gain favor with TCs. TCs should not be blind to his deception and web of lies. He basis his arguments when defaming his countrymen on issues that he clearly has no comprehension of or does not understand their aim.

He is 62 years old, but has the mental capacity of a 17 year old. He is not to be taken seriously.

You and the other hopelessly wrong "politician" have taken offence because I have exposed both of you for what you are. You have assiduously and vindictively made accusations about my person , about a 62 year old Cypriot , you labeled me a traitor to my country , a family man and a responsible father , grandfather and husband , a man with self respect and integrity , because he dared challenge your absurd and utterly irresponsible statement that war IS the only option left to the Cypriot people.
You have thrown venomous accusations against me , may I ask what bloody chance would the TURKISH CYPRIOTS have in your hands ?
I t is no wonder that the Turkish propaganda machines are already using GR as an example as to why our people can not be trusted. Well mate , Miltiades is here to deflect those propaganda machines and to challenge the extremists amongst us , both T/Cs and G/Cs,.
You hallucinate in putting forward your own perception of your own intelligence , none has so far sipped through , all that enters this forum is a diatribe of pure unadulterated crap. Your perceived knowledge of world affairs is that which you obtain from sites that any GR, Oracle or Paphitis can comfortably do from the comfort of an armchair so cut the shit out about your intelligence and knowledge versus mine k, you are a mere novice mate.
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:47 pm

I think everyone has had enough of your narrow mind and bigoted views of this world.

Heed my call.


The loser leaves CF forever.

Lets see what you are made off!
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