I paid 350 euros for it and that’s what I want to get for it.
Call me on 99188889
Paphos area.

Moderator: Piratis
Pubcraft wrote:hate to be the bearer of bad news but that machine is avaliable brand new for round 170 euros in woodstar , belfex , and bosch , ryobi is in that catagory . Sorry
Pubcraft wrote:Obviously hit a soft spot . Notice I compared your machine to other models avaliable here . I use and deal in portable woodworking machines all the time go out and compare equivalent models avaliable here . Your posting was probably from screw fix . Sorry if I offended you but I do know what I am talking about .
but that machine is avaliable brand new for round 170 euros in woodstar
Obviously hit a soft spot
Pubcraft wrote:You have now called me ignorant and stupid . Maybe try Konnikos next to Carrfour . Or a dozen other places and keep on replying it brings your item to the top each time now who is putting off potential buyers . If its so good why not keep it it certainly does not take up space as you said. Bad buy mate
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