ttoli wrote:Milt
GILF = Grannie I'd like to F**k
FILF = Father .....''...............(Well I woudn't, but you get the gist)
DILF = Don't ask
etc, etc, etc. Just type it into Youtube and you'll see what we mean.
I have to admit that I'm rather old fashioned and generally I stay away from sites or places where the rule of the jungle is acceptable. I have never had time for what I call absolute rubbish , it doesn't of course mean that I object to other people participating. I'm a father , a grandfather and have been with my wife for over 45 years . I believe in family values , just as most Cypriots do , and I consider the MILFS , the GILFS
the TITS and other such little , or large as the case might be , as frivolous and rather silly. My opinion .
I honestly never knew the meaning of milf , I suppose you can go through life not knowing a huge amount of matter but does it matter !!!