zan wrote:Nikitas wrote:"stop this nonsensical idea that that because the TC people are 18% that is all they deserve"
which automatically raises the question of what ALL the other communities that make up the 82 per cent deserve and why should they be limited to 82 per cent.
Istanbul is a city and hosts 14 million people with plenty of industry and economic activity to support them and much of the economy. Two hundred thousand people can easily fit in the 18 per cent of Cyprus and have room to spare. That many lived there before 1974 and were getting on just fine.
Kifeas puts forth a simple and intelligent proposal, that the area is first proportional to population, and secondly it limits the number of GCs that will have a legitimate reason to live there without resorting to artifical limitations. It is a way to avoid most if not all of the properties issue.
Does it tackle all the farming issues?? How about Tourism??
This is not just about living space but of commercial space. We are not a race of Billionaires to have a playground for the rich like Monaco for example. We do not want to be just a reserve where the tourist come to buy our locally produced arts and crafts...We need to be commercially viable not just rent an apartment from you in our own country.
This is all the reason to have a open and free True Federation where the size of the north can pretty much remain as it is now, but you cannot exclude the GC's from living and exercising their democratic, political and Human Rights from having the same rights as the TC's there. The same in the south of course. Anything else, then you will run up against the EU's "Wall of Laws" as well an OXI from the GC's. But the 18% with fewer GC's might get the OK from the GC's and there will be too few GC's to even make a dent politically in the north, so that the EU's laws are not violated. Of course, this too will be based on a True Federation and a strong central government, and no Confederation what so ever. If Confederation is going to be "order of the day", then once again, partition on 82%-18% will be more desirable than further problems of conflict down the road, because you know it will be coming, so waste time and blood.