Anglo Advertiser is a new newspaper that will be published in Cyprus and available from newsagents island wide with a circulation of over 25,000 copies.
For us xpats it will be similar to Loot or Exchange & Mart. All advertising is in English and you will be able to advertise for free in all sections.
The first issue is available from 1st November, an 8 page dummy issue will be in the shops next month FREE of charge with details of how to place you adverts, which will be by phone, fax, post, email and SMS text message.
We are hoping this will be of use to all of us who have great difficulty trying to understand the Greek language adverts.
We will have a limited number of free adverts in the 8 page dummy issue if you would like a free advert in this issue email us at
This issue will be on a first come first served basis but from the November issue all ads will be included
Any sugestions or things you would like to see in this paper would be welcomed