hasanaggi wrote:first off neither you or anyone one else knows how any one person would react to the sound of approaching armoured vehicles together with the sound of gunfire, and secondly did i say he went out of the house? read again.
Now im off to bed. I have written honestly without exageration and answered many questions......
Now before addressing any more of your doubts would some one please answer my One singular lonely little question?
How can the tcs who fought and payed with their lives against Enosis be called Traitors?
Your question has two replies. One based on todays or after 1964 T/cs position and believes and one and most important based on the real situation in Cyprus during 1940-1957.
As far as second reply concerns i consider that no one of T/CS fight against EOKA (1955-1959) because of their position against ENOSIS.
I can not of course consider T/Cs as trators but , at least as victims of British propaganta that time, using their poor situation to convist them to became part of the occupator military (policemen) power.
Pls take into account that ENOSIS-That time- was considered by all (Turkey was still sleaping that time) as a basic right of the people of Cyprus.-British discussed this many times since 1915 with Greek state.
Greek politicians-having -wrongly- targets in other areas (Asia Minor etc) refrained of to take the oportunity.
As from the time ROC was created in 1960 this picture of course changed and i can agree that any demand for ENOSIS (after 1960) was against T/cs feelings and targets as Turkey re-entered as player in the game.
Proved of all that is:
AA.Turkey sold the Island of Cyprus to British -therefore Turkey was always considered itself as occupator and not actual owner of the Island
(T/cs appeared in Cyprus because of this occupation)
BB.British were clearly occuptators-no one can deny this even British
In line with the above Cyprus would be actually free only if it was returned to its population who,by luck of history, were Greeks.