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the fly

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the fly

Postby Pubcraft » Thu Sep 11, 2008 2:39 pm

A trout is swimming up river . Looking up he sees a fly just above the water travelling in the same direction as him . If that fly comes down a little i'll jump out and have it . There is however a bear on the side who says to himself if that fly comes down and the trout jumps for it I am going to have the trout . But a hunter is at the other bank and says if the fly goes down , the trout jumps for it and the bear goes for the trout I am going to shoot the bear . The field mouse sees this lot and says to himself if the hunter runs out to shoot the bear he's going to nick the hunters sanies from his bag . Seeing a great chance the local farmers cat says to himself . If the fly comes down the trout jumps out the bear goes for the trout the hunter goes for the bear the mouse goes for the sanies I am going to have the mouse .!! The fly comes down and the whole procedure occurs but the cat slips and lands in the water .

Moral of the story where ever there is a fly comming there is a wet pussy around
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