Oracle wrote:zan wrote:Oracle wrote:T_C wrote:So where is your ''HIGHLY'' credible source Oracle?
It was there with the quote ....
The Telegraph April 2008 wrote: ..... Five hundred Turkish Cypriots are regarded as missing from 1963, 1967 and 1974, though this number includes those killed in the aforementioned massacres. Rape of Turkish Cypriot women was isolated. Turkish Cypriot journalist Sevgul Uludag in her book on massacres and mass graves in Cyprus, mentions one case of rape against a Turkish Cypriot woman. Forty thousand Turkish Cypriots one-third of their population moved to the north of the island after 1974; but this was at the behest of Turkey, which now wanted to consolidate the Turkish Cypriot puppet state it was planning to establish in the occupied areas.
You'd make yourself look silly if you dispute that ... you do have Sevgul Uludag's book don't you?
This is not a quote from her book Oracle but a news paper reporters view..who is the reporter.....You are twisting and turning like a snake lady![]()
So are you disputing that a quote combining a respectable UK newspaper, with a quote from the book of an award winning TC journalist mentioning a TC situation, is not credible evidence?
That's the last time I do you TCs a favour and post TC evidence of GC bad-doings ( although it didn't say the crime was committed by a GC) ... get your own!
Hi O. Can you really take a tiny sliver of 'evidence' and produce it as 'truth'. As scientist you know better than that. We dont mind what evidence is provided. They are all welcome. But where only one instance evidence is provided, does not mean that there was no other. Uludag, the lady she is, surely did not want to flood her works with every single piece of nastyness she got her hands on. This would compromise her position of being an impartial journalist.
Thank you for your post anyway.