zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:zan wrote:Because they like to know the real world and not the world you live in which you are lied to by the MAN and you swallow it hook line and sinker. Are all Americans this dumb or does this guy stick out from the crowd. Give him a word and he is happy....whether it is "Haram" or "Democracy" he wets himself with joy but has no idea that it exists in name only all over the world. What part of democracy says that the USA can attack a country with a star and crescent against the wishes of the international community, and create the conditions you describe above so that fools like you can sit in your high chair and scoff. Here is another word for you mate..."B*****ks"...Something that you do not possess....

So basically Zan, you cannot answer the question put to you. Instead you gave me a bunch of
Double Talk about nothing, which may also be another attribute to countries with the Crescents & Stars are good at giving, a
Double Talk.!
What I am trying to do is expand your mind and help you to think for yourself instead of following the brainwashed ideas that the USA have instilled into you. The world is a big place and whilst your democratic gangsters are ruling your every move and you are saying thank you to them, you will always think the way you do in thinking that there is good and bad in the world as to nations and what symbol they live under. I could always be wasting my breath though because it seems that the system has done its job on you and you are complete....A complete idiot!!!!

Just for the record Zan, as well as being an American, I'm also British and a Cypriot.
What the hell are you talking about.?? What does America has to do with regarding my observation about nations who have the Crescent & Star on their flags as well as many other Muslim and Islamic countries whose flags do not have the Crescent & Star all seem to have these "values", which I repeat again, are anti True Democracy, anti Freedom of Speech, anti Free Press, anti Human Rights, Corrupt, Undeveloped and Poor, and mostly ruled by strong Military influence.
If you do not know the answer, it's OK Zan, but don't tell us a story of American brainwashing. You are also British and the UK also followed the US into an illegal war in Iraq, therefore, were you also brainwashed by Blair.? Personally, I have been against that war before it started.
You seem to take exception to me raising this issue, because Turkey and the "trnc" both having Crescents & Stars in their flags and you do not want to face the truth, that what I wrote is practiced by these two as well as almost all the other Muslim countries. I'm just stating a fact, but you want to talk about Brainwashing, as if I'm the only one who sees this, that the common denominator for all nations with such flags seems to have these characteristics, which are anti True Democracy, anti Freedom of Speech, anti Free Press, anti Human Rights, Corrupt, Undeveloped and Poor, and mostly ruled by strong Military influence..