zan wrote:miltiades wrote:zan wrote:miltiades wrote:Zan , you have lost all sense of proportion here mate. Kikapu is referring to the 4 graffiti writers still held after 4 days and to the fact that most if not all of Islamic nations do not have true democracy.
He also stated " So Zan, I want the best for my people, both the TC's and GC's without one having to dominate the other. But one thing I will not accept, is violations on others Democratic & Human Rights, which you are happy to see it happen, as long as you can gain from it. ""
The above in itself makes Kikapu a giant of a Cypriot man compared to your statement earlier "TURKEY is my motherland "
He cares for Cyprus and refers to its people as "my people " , his motherland is CYPRUS .
Kikapu is a genuine Cypriot who wants to see justice for all Cypriots , he is not in the minority but he is , just as I'm , in the majority.
If we start to take out all the christian states that are suffering from the same fate as in south America and Africa and some baltic states you will probably tell me it is because they are not true white people so they cannot have true democracy either

I know you are a true white supremacist but he claims to be of Turkish decent so even he does not fit into your model. He is just a wanna be. Not that I believe any of this rubbish.
There are problems with these boys and they should either be charged or let go but who are they. They may be dissidents for all you know but the Greek papers and the Greek minded Africa paper is making a meal out of this. This is not the first time a miscarriage of justice has happened and it does not only happen in Turkey or the TRNC. Why have these boys waited till this sensitive time to do this while talks are going on or who has put them up to it. Is no one concerned about that. The computers were seized because they might give us some clue and are relevant to the security of the country. You don't know and neither do I but still you scoff. There is a lot wrong in the TRNC but there is also a lot right. Just like in the "RoC".
Justice for all Cypriots is the return of my rights under the only constitution that has ever existed in CYprus. YOU pussy foot about not telling us about what you want and give us rubbish about true Cypriots when all you are doing is promoting the "RoC". The "RoC" is not part of me or my people. There are two distinct people on the island and you expect one to give up everything to the other. You ignore anything on the island that is not Greek and accept the Greek flag and the Greek national anthem and the Greek history books and the Greek tourist boards interpretation of Cyprus history where we get the slightest mention and you expect me to accept it. No way in a million years. My president has spoken and I agree with everything he says.
Indeed your president has spoken , what a shame no one recognises him as such !
Your people surely are in your motherland mate NOT in my motherland which is CYPRUS. My allegiance is to my people T/CS and G/Cs , as Kikapu says I care what happens to my people , all of Cypriots .
I honestly think that if all the motherland aficionados were to stay out of the Cyprus political field there would be no Cyprob to solve. The spanner in the works is the "motherland " nonsense.
In the meantime do seriously consider telling us why you dont join the new world that you so desire , after all you dont much like the West do you Zan ?
I did not and have never said I did not like the west. I am saying we are the same the world through. You are the ones trying to ride the high horse into the sunset. I am trying to strike a balance that adults who can think straight are capable of doing. I do not see spooks around every corner. Each and every country is going through change. Some of it is forced upon an unsuspecting country that the USA does not want to stabilise because it means that it will be able to ask its own price for its own oil or some other product the USA depends on. They even stir things up in countries that do not allow the USA to set up business in and run the country.
Anyway...Why do you live in the UK when you think that the "RoC" is the best country in the world.....?
I spend quite a bit of time in paradise too , unfortunately events beyond my control have deferred my permanent move to Cyprus , in a situation where one has to weigh his responsibilities with his wants and the latter takes secondary place.
I consider Cyprus , all of it since all of Cyprus is the country of my birth ,
to be the best place on earth , to me at least.
I hope I can live long enough to be able to experience the magical sunrise and sunset , the blue skies , the clear sea waters and the warmth of the Cypriot people , all of the people apart from the lunatic bloody drivers !!!