Why are *he above pos*s all jumbled up? Wrong quo*es wrong names!!
* have no* had a dr*nk e**her. H*c. *ha* was a h*ccup.
denizaksulu wrote:Why are *he above pos*s all jumbled up? Wrong quo*es wrong names!!
* have no* had a dr*nk e**her. H*c. *ha* was a h*ccup.
denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:H*ya, B and *, any s*gn of *ha* reproba*e ye*?
H*ya Den*z . No no* ye* . D*d you have a good day walk*ng Bor*s?
*s he good on h*s lead? Another n*ce day *omorrow for a walk
He *s very good on *he lead. Ba**ersea Dogs Home have done a good job *ra*n*ng h*m. He *s only *hree and a half mon*hs old and almos* fully *ra*ned *nclud*ng h*is to*le* *ra*n*ng. He *s a gem.
*he wea*her *s crazy. Fros* *n *he morn*ng and s*zzl*ng all day.
How *s Psychos headache?
psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:H* Bubbles. ** looks l*ke you are feel*ng be**er. * *h*nk you have danced *o exhaus**on.
Has she been *o *he lap danc*ng bars aga*n? * have no* seen her
denizaksulu wrote:* have wondered *ha* myself.
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