SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:No footy tonight i dont think! Wh*r* i* *v*ryone??
**cond y*llow for you my girl
Oh b*gg*r!!Will try hard*r,
Hi *un*hin*, wh*r* do you k**p di*app*aring to? W* n**d you at night tim**. I h*ard it rain*d in th* mountain*, did you go snork*lling?
Doubl* **nding off for D*niz!!
Th* rain wa* gr*at, but not *nough!
Too bu*y to b* on h*r* all day and night![]()
By* by*, *o I am off again
You r*ally mu*t try hard*r - or u** word* without * and *!!