B, this week is null and void.
I seem to have got myself in a tizzle. I looked it up and can find no mention of it. I must have made it up.
I always assumed it meant 'a fine mess'. Well, the OED should adopt this word. It sounds rather nice.
denizaksulu wrote:B, this week is null and void.
I seem to have got myself in a tizzle. I looked it up and can find no mention of it. I must have made it up.
I always assumed it meant 'a fine mess'. Well, the OED should adopt this word. It sounds rather nice.
SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:B, this week is null and void.
I seem to have got myself in a tizzle. I looked it up and can find no mention of it. I must have made it up.
I always assumed it meant 'a fine mess'. Well, the OED should adopt this word. It sounds rather nice.
Why null an* v*i*? Changing th* rul*s t* c*v*r y*ur *rr*rs? HUH!
SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:W* ar* in a bit *f a Tizzl* h*r*. W* Ar* in n*** *f a br*ak t* s*rt matters *ut.
I hav* d*clar** an AMN*STY.
By 'W*', I tak* it y*u m*an Y*U!
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