SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:.......and w* all know that lott*ry wins caus* m*mory loss.
Is this on* of your futur* *xcus*s D?
Cant r*m*mb*r
SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:.......and w* all know that lott*ry wins caus* m*mory loss.
Is this on* of your futur* *xcus*s D?
SSBubbles wrote:psycho wrote:
You'r* w*lcom*
Lucky B didn't s** this lot oth*rwise you might ha** b**n bann*d for lif*
Us girls ha** to stick tog*th*r! You on th* oth*rhand......................................................
SSBubbles wrote:psycho wrote:Thought that would g*t a r*spons* from you
Do you think I cannot count *ith*r? I saw your oth*r *rror too...................
Off for lunch - alas, not Chick*n Ki**,!
psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:You'd b*tt*r.
Pl*nty wind tomorrow.
Did sh* hav* b*ans for lunch th*n
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