denizaksulu wrote:Oh, y*******s! B**n with th* grandchi*dr*n. H**ping with th*ir hom*work. Its gr*at. I wish I was at th*ir schoo*. Catho*ic schoo*s ar* th* b*st.
denizaksulu wrote:.Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oh, y*******s! B**n with th* grandchi*dr*n. H**ping with th*ir hom*work. Its gr*at. I wish I was at th*ir schoo*. Catho*ic schoo*s ar* th* b*st.
A bus m*ns ho*iday th*n!P**as*d your *njoying it!
Mayb* you cou*d b* a **ctur*r th*r*??!!
Th*y cou*d not afford m*. I am too o*d anyway. On*y a y*ar l*ft. Sham* r*a**y. Th* schoo* is fu** of Gr**ks and Turks. Lov**y to s** th*m study tog*th*r. My granddaught*r has pick*d up a bit of Gr**k too (from h*r Gr**k Cypriot t*ach*r).
I was hoping to. I wi** d*cid* aft*r th* ta*ks co**aps*.Sinc* th* *rrors, I hav* to go for my ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZGoodnight a**Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Oopsdenizaksulu wrote:.Th*y cou*d not afford m*. I am too o*d anyway. On*y a y*ar l*ft. Sham* r*a**y. Th* schoo* is fu** of Gr**ks and Turks. Lov**y to s** th*m study tog*th*r. My granddaught*r has pick*d up a bit of Gr**k too (from h*r Gr**k Cypriot t*ach*r).Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:A bus m*ns ho*iday th*n!denizaksulu wrote:Oh, y*******s! B**n with th* grandchi*dr*n. H**ping with th*ir hom*work. Its gr*at. I wish I was at th*ir schoo*. Catho*ic schoo*s ar* th* b*st.P**as*d your *njoying it!
Mayb* you cou*d b* a **ctur*r th*r*??!!
Y*s it must b* nic* to s** Turks & Gr**ks g*tting a*ong so w***
Wh*n you r*tir* wi** you r*turn to Cyprus?
denizaksulu wrote:I was hoping to. I wi** d*cid* aft*r th* ta*ks co**aps*.Sinc* th* *rrors, I hav* to go for my ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZGoodnight a**Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Oopsdenizaksulu wrote:.Th*y cou*d not afford m*. I am too o*d anyway. On*y a y*ar l*ft. Sham* r*a**y. Th* schoo* is fu** of Gr**ks and Turks. Lov**y to s** th*m study tog*th*r. My granddaught*r has pick*d up a bit of Gr**k too (from h*r Gr**k Cypriot t*ach*r).Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:A bus m*ns ho*iday th*n!denizaksulu wrote:Oh, y*******s! B**n with th* grandchi*dr*n. H**ping with th*ir hom*work. Its gr*at. I wish I was at th*ir schoo*. Catho*ic schoo*s ar* th* b*st.P**as*d your *njoying it!
Mayb* you cou*d b* a **ctur*r th*r*??!!
Y*s it must b* nic* to s** Turks & Gr**ks g*tting a*ong so w***
Wh*n you r*tir* wi** you r*turn to Cyprus?
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