psycho wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:You WIMIN a** crazy!!
A** w* ind**d?
D, looks lik* nothing g*ts past B
I suppos* you w*** tank*d up again last night. If w* a** to mak* a stand against th*s* wimin, w* n**d to hav* a cl*a* h*ad. This you find difficult. Can I h*lp you in any way?
Anyway, I was t*sting B's al**tn*ss.
No wo**i*s on th* cl*a* h*ad f*ont fo* th* n*xt f*w days, I hav* a m*dical on W*dn*sday so I won’t b* d*inking b*fo** that.
I only d*ink b*caus* th* wim*n d*iv* m* to it
So**y to h*a* that. Som* of th* info th*** would b* us*ful to th* '*n*my', it would b* b*tt** divulg*d in a PM. Its b*st not to giv* away ou* many w*akn*ss*s.
Thanks fo* th* advic*, don't wo**y I hav* b*oad should**s and thick skin - nuffin bov**s m*
Ok, th*n. I will tak* you* wo*d fo* it.
Wh*r* a** th* wimin today? - Mayb* th*y'** doing what w* marri*d th*m for..........hous*work
Oh d*a*! I thought you w***n't going to d*ink???
Bloody H*ll, that post was at 11:00 this mo*ning I only had a coupl* y*st**day
W*ll you had no *xcus* th*n!
I t*ll you its all you wim*n giving m* hassl* that caus*s th* mistak*s
That old ch*stnut! You sta*ting to sound lik* D now!