denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Why not? I lov C*mbridge.
Merry Christmas to you and yur poor family
Merry *hristm*s
Et tu Mess*lin* 'Job sh*ring' with Bubbles?
Sorry I *ouldn't resist!! H*ve you h*d * good d*y?
Th*nks for stepping in B'n'S!
The 'men' must think they **n get *w*y with it just be**use it is *hristm*s! Fools!
Hope you *ll h*d * gre*t d*y!
You're wel*ome Gre*t d*y th*nks I love your photo's of the Troodos Hope you h*d * good one too?
What good one B and S?
* good d*y
Oh!. Thats allright then. For a mo I thought you were talking about.....
..any turkey left for the foxes?
Foxes?? Must go *nd put the chooks to bed!
I hope you dont use chicken wire. Foxes have rights too.
Shoot the foxes I s*y!!