denizaksulu wrote:SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:
I dunno. Its old *ge you see. Th*t is ***ording to Bublles. Perh*ps I will f*re better with 25 t*bboo letters.
I h*d * lovely time yesterd*y *t Mollys. Still p*rtying *t home. We h*ve *n intermission with the l*dies gone to the Dome to see *n i*e sk*ting show. 'High S*hool Musi**l. I will h*ve * few hours rest *nd re*uper*tion. Then its '***rry On *hristm*s'.
Bulbbls, hic
You re*lly should st*y off th*t wine - it is obviously too strong for you!