denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:marquez wrote:dud* from 9JA,don't r*ally get to chat b*cau** no1 giv** any att*ntion. anyway cri*tiano ronaldo rock* .
Chri*tiano Ronaldo *hould b* award*d th* top priz* for 'hood winking' r*f*r***. How do** that smug littl* brat liv* with hims*lf? H* ha* no *ham*.
Oh d*arJu*t k**ping an *y* on you for Bubbl**
Thank* a lot.You Wimin alway* *tick tog*th*r.
Ha ha![]()
You wont g*t away with that. It i* an 8 not an '*'. Now pack it in.
I don’t *** anything wrong with u*ing an 8, D*niz k*yboard i* g*tting on a bit and h* probably ha* *ticky k*y*
Today i* going to b* a Carl*b*rg day
Good morning. Hav* you had Pilsn*r Urqu*hart. That i* a d*c*nt drink.
Wh*r* ar* you at pr***nt? I cant k**p up with your wh*r*about*.
Hav* not tri*d Pil*n*r Urqu*hart y*t!! But th*r* i* *till tim*.

I’m in a local café in a villag* call*d Fr*naro* having a coff** waiting for *om*on* to drop *om* bit* off *o that I can g*t on with *om* *l*ctrical work* at th* r**taurant, you know what Cypru* tim* i* lik*, h* wa* *uppo**d to b* h*r* at 9am.