by denizaksulu » Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:58 am
Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:Lee A Kada wrote:Oh d*ar 2-0 to Burnl*y

Poor D*niz

Hi L**

Tho** kid* w*r* ab*olut*ly t*rribl*. Th*y could not k**p th* ball for two **cond*.
Burnl*y d***rv*d to win.
I b*li*v* th*r* w*r* 11 chang** to th* t*am!

W*ll, I am not going to cry ov*r th* r**ult.

Of cour** not!

No point crying ov*r *pilt milk


Am I bovv*r*d??????

Ofcour** you Ar*...........

Now you think I am bovv*r*d. Wroooong
Ar* you *njoying th* curr*nt w*ath*r?
Im not bovv*r*d if you'r* not bovv*r*d!
Im loving our wond*rful cold *nap! NOT!!!!!

You'd think w*'d b* u**d to it by now.
Im a *un baby

I could n*v*r g*t u**d to th* cold

B*tt*r mov* to Cypru* th*n.
*hall w* *ay goodnight forum*r*?