psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:*hanks f*r *he remin*er Bubbles. Y*u are a lady i*ee*.![]()
H8w *are Psych* f*rget that y*u are always with us. tut,tut,tut. He must be b**zing again.![]()
*i* y*u n**ice Arsenal w*n a game. Hurrah.
I haven’* f*rg** ***ays ex*ra le**er.![]()
I **n’* kn*w ab*u* Arsenal bu* I be* she n**ices s*me*hing else *h*ugh.
I*s n** fair. When I p*s*e* i* was n** ye* mi*nigh*. I *eman* a Par**n.